Only One Way to Find Out

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Anti and Marvin walked together through the darkness.

It was sort of awkward walking together side by side like this but in a way, Anti found it sort of reassuring. He wasn't alone in here like he was planning on doing in the beginning.

But something else weighed on him. What if they never found their way out? What if the kids were dead already?

Anti didn't want to think about it. Instead, he thought about his next steps.

"Marv. It's obvious we can't walk our way through here. I don't know if my glitching will do anything so would it just be easier for you to teleport us with your magic?"

Marvin blinked at him but nodded, "Ah . . . yes. I suppose I should do that, huh? Yeah! Here, grab onto me!" the magician grabbed at Anti's arm, yanking him closer.

Anti wanted to punch him but let the magician work his magic.

Except. . . . . . .

Nothing happened.

"Uh . . Marv? You doing the spell or not?"

"Uh. . . ." Marvin looked around only to see more darkness. He was still able to emit light just like Anti to see each other. But it seemed they might be a little stuck.

"Marv?" Anti's heart started to pound.

"Calm down, calm down. We're fine"




Marvin tried to do the spell again but once more . . nothing happened.

"Fuck" he cursed.

Anti face-palmed himself, "Just great"

"Hey, don't blame me! I haven't been technically been able to use any magic since I've been a cat! I'm a little fucking rusty!" the magician harped.

"Oh, so it's MY fault?!"

"Sort of!"

Anti growled but huffed, turning away from him. He hated to admit it but he knew the magician was right. This was ALL his fault. But that's why he was there in the first place. To fix his mistakes. He couldn't be mad at Marvin since THAT was his fault, too.

Marvin sighed heavily, seeing the glitch's attitude, "Anti, don't worry about it. We'll figure something out"

"Yeah . . . sure" he wasn't so confident.

Until he spotted something in the distance. Anti squinted his eyes to try and see it more clearly.

Something was off. Something just felt . . strange. A feeling in Anti rose and stepped face out of fear, "Marv. . . what is that over there?"

"Probably darkness"

"I'm serious!" Anti reached behind him to grab him and turned the magician where he was looking, "LOOK"

Marvin thought he was just hallucinating but when he actually looked, he saw the same thing.

In the distance, there was a strange mirage of light. A blurry scape that almost seemed to taunt them.

"The hell is that?"

"That's what I was asking! . . .Let's go over to it"

"Wait!" Marvin held onto him so he couldn't run over to it, "We'll go together. Can't risk us being split here"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever" Anti grumbled but walked with Marvin towards the light.

The closer they got to it, the bigger it got but the clearer it seemed to be.

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