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Ah, having your annual everyone-thinks- Will-is-a-lunatic meeting, are you?◢



"JESSAMINE?" Henry repeated for what seemed to be the thousandth time. "I still can't believe it. Our Jessamine?"

"Yes," Charlotte confirmed, shaking her head at her husband. "Jessamine. She has been spying on us and reporting our every move to Nate, who has been passing the information to Mortmain. Must I say it again?"

Henry's green eyes flickered almost apologetically. "I'm sorry, darling. I have been listening. It is only that..." He took a deep breath. "I knew she was unhappy here. But I did not think Jessamine hated us."

"I don't think she did - or does."

Marie couldn't help but smile at James Carstairs. Silver hair illuminated by the crimson fire which flickered in the fireplace he stood by made the boy appear divine.

Marie was glad to see him up and well, especially after all the events that took place last night. Namely, the moment she and Tessa stepped their foot into Jessamine's room, the blonde awoke. With a scolding and slightly angered look written in her eyes, Jessamine began arguing with the two girls. She didn't hesitate to unleash her colorful words at the brunette pair, blaming them for reading her letters and convincing them that Nathaniel Gray was truly in love with her.

The Wayland girl felt sorry for her childhood friend. She knew that Jessamine was merely another victim of manipulation, led on to believe that she was to have a happy future with Tessa's traitorous brother.

Tessa had stood close by Marie the whole night, hand gripping Marie's when Jessamine's words became too much. The two girls knew what was to be done; Charlotte had to be informed of Jessamine's deeds. She had to be aware that they had a snitch in their orders for quite a while and not even Sophie's terrified gaze could change Marie and Tessa's minds.

After offering Sophie a promise that she would be fine, even after she slammed a mirror against Jessamine's head and tied her to the bed, the Collins girl left to fetch Charlotte.

The woman showed up moments later, Brother Enoch following her with the Mortal Sword in his hand.

The questioning itself was extensive. Jessamine struggled not to reveal her and Nathaniel's secret, but the power of the sword crushed her will as if it were made of fragile glass. One after another, explanations fell off of the girl's lips. Each secret made Marie's blood freeze all over again; she was bewildered to hear that Jessamine willingly surrendered them to Mortmain.

It was a night filled with gruesome cries and heart-wrenching confessions, but it ended quickly. It might not have appeared so to Marie, but she recollected that nothing mattered anymore. Not after Jessamine's words were silenced by Brother Enoch, as he disappeared with her on his shoulders and took her to the Silent City.

Charlotte was the one who hurt the most, even though she didn't want to admit it. Immediately after Jessie's leave, the woman burst into tears, scolding herself for being too cold-hearted toward the girl. On and on, she repeated how she fulfilled only what was asked of her, but the truth was - no one blamed Charlotte for keeping a blank face and firm behavior. They knew it had to be done and Charlotte was being the only one strong enough to do the questioning.

Marie didn't hesitate before pulling her older sister into a warm embrace. Despite her still being dressed in her dirty, crimson gown, Marie hugged the woman with all of her might. She wasn't surprised to feel Charlotte's arms circling around her frame and clinging on for dear life. Tears ran freely, rolling down Charlotte's cheeks and onto Marie's bare shoulders as the woman suffocated her cries.

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