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I won't go near the house. Let me up.◢



"BY the Angel," Marie mumbled into her chin as she examined the creature before them.

With its tall frame and branch-like metal arms, it moved slowly across the cobbled path, emitting loud noise with each step it made.

"That thing's been following us; I'm sure of it," Jem mentioned, his voice low and careful. The boy didn't want to draw unnecessary attention to them. "I saw a flash of metal earlier, from the carriage, but I wasn't sure. Now I am. If you go tearing off down the hill, you risk leading that thing right to your family's door."

"I see," Will said calmly. "I won't go near the house. Let me up."

Jem hesitated, glancing to the side at Marie. She only stared back at Jem, not quite sure what to say. Will was impulsive; no one could really foresee his next move. His decisions were rushed, unpredictable.

Marie took a hold of her bow, her right palm gripping one of her arrows. Be prepared for acts of stupidity.

"I swear on Raziel's name," Will spoke through his teeth, his eyes blazing. "Now let me up."

Jem slowly stood up to his feet, giving Will just enough space and time to leap up and push his parabatai onto the ground. With a single glance in the girls' way, he took off toward the automaton.

After letting out a few colorful words under his breath, Jem lifted himself from the grass and sprinted after Will.

"Jem!" Tessa shouted, turning her head toward Marie helplessly. "What should we do?"

By the Angel, why were they always so reckless? Marie thought as her hazel orbs followed the two boys. She could bet that the automaton was yet another trap set by Mortmain. Of course, Will had to run straight into it.

"Marie!" Tessa's voice rang loudly, but seeing that the Shadowhunter was far too preoccupied with her own thoughts, the shape-shifter girl picked up her skirts and chased after Will and Jem, not really sure what she was about to do.

Upon finally realizing that she had been abandoned on the hill, Marie sighed. Of course they didn't stop to think. Why was she even surprised?

Steadily, she lifted her bow, aiming the arrow right where Will was about to step. And then, she set if free.

In a matter of seconds, the weapon hit its desired target. Seeing that the arrow landed just before his steps, Will swiftly lifted his head in Marie's direction.

The arrow broke the air barrier effortlessly and set right where Marie intended.

Then, their gazes collided, cold and full of warning. Will shook his head angrily, breaking the arrow by stepping on it. After that, he took off again, completely ignoring Marie's threat.

"Stupid," Marie cursed, hurrying to catch up with her friend. "Tess, wait up!"

The brunette exchanged her bow for a dagger, tearing apart the ends of Tessa's heavy skirts. "Sorry for this, but it will help us. These skirts are far too heavy to run in and we have no time to waste. It is only a matter of moments before Will and Jem make a mess. Well, mostly Will."

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