Prologue; An Offer You Can't Refuse

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Rita Rose likes being factionless despite the downfalls that come with it. Sure, going without isn't nice but the sense of family she has with her loved ones makes all the lacking worth it. They make her starting to work at thirteen worth it, they make never getting new clothes worth it, and most of all; they make the pity from Abnegation worth it.

She has always had a distaste for the looks filled with pity that have always been thrown her way as she walks to work. In her opinion, Rita didn't look factionless, she didn't resemble those of her class... the Fractured. If anything, she looks like a faction kid stepping out of the clothing norm, which was probably why she always stuck out like a sore thumb.

And the hijab she wraps around her head always makes people do double-takes. Despite her family not being particularly religious, she prefers to wear a hijab whenever she leaves the safety of her home. She's proud of being Muslim even if it isn't too common for people to have a dedicated religious practice nowadays.

The plain black fabric always gives her a sense of security and reminds her of who she is; a young Fractured. Every day, she's reminded of how close she lives to the school where everyone else her age went to get an education (not give it). And every day, Rita is very thankful for that truth. She's lazy by nature even though she's always doing something to help her family.

On the way to the school, Rita passes by the Abnegation house and some of the people that live there. At this point, they're used to seeing her walk through their neighborhood and past it. Sometimes, they'll offer rides and Rita always refuses. She's heard too many stories of factionless children getting "lost"... or running off.

Rita refuses to be a number on a screen.

The rest of her walk is uneventful, per usual. Her plain jeans and borrowed blazer don't fit her perfectly, but it's the best clothes she has. Even if she wanted new clothes, all of her money goes to the family. Rita is okay with sacrificing her vanity for the financial security of her family. She keeps a steady pace but occasionally will stop to look at something new before moving on.

Her messenger bag was also worn, a second-hand gift from the school so she could carry everything she needed there and back. It was nice of them, but she was expecting something more if she were being honest. The books inside were all nearly falling apart, except the newer textbooks she rented from the library were practically new according to Rita's standards.

She turns and enters the school building and still, she's working to be something more than just some girl without a faction. Rita plans on proving to them that the Fractured are more than what they think. Every day she enters the building with the purpose to help some privileged kids and to prove she's more than they could ever dream of.

"Morning, Miss Rose," Her supervisor, Annabelle greets her with a smile. The older woman has always been pleasant to Rita and she's always very grateful for Annabelle's kindness. "You're busy today, it seems. An Erudite tutor will be there as well for some of the older kids."

"Oh, okay..." Rita feels apprehension spread through her body as she glances around the plain hall nervously. She's never liked working with Erudite's... all of those she's met have treated her like she's stupid (which she isn't). Rita doesn't have a job tutoring young students for no reason. The pay isn't excellent, but Rita enjoys learning how the kids act. And sometimes she takes what she taught a student home and helps her younger sister Ada get caught up. "That's fine, I'm going to get set up."

She makes it home before her mother, which is odd, she sets the bag on Tamino, her brother's bed and begins to walk around the small apartment. "Tammi?" She calls out for her brother, he should be home at the very least. Who else is going to make sure Ada doesn't get up to no good?

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