14 | Call Me Rita

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Tris is taken to the infirmary but I still have to fight Russell. He has an advantage on me, he knows how I fight now and I have no real idea of his tactics. Yesterday he kept jumping around using different moves and punches that tipped me off on what he might have liked studying before.

It's well known that most Erudites have a specific topic they study their entire lives. And some part of me thinks that Russell is obsessed with close combat. I can't get how he was beating on that punching back the first day out of my head. Now I'm the punching bag.

We're standing back in the arena as I do a quick glance over him. He's strong, I can tell that much. And so much bigger than I am. My throat tightens up before I see it. He favors his right leg.

I have to ignore the smirk wanting to grow on my face so he remains oblivious. I have to win again.

Russell rushes at me, sparing me of any commentary. He's quiet and that's a bit more unnerving than taunts. And by Allah, he's quick. I struggle to keep up with him and it reminds me of Four's fast punches.

If I survived him as an opponent I could survive Russell.

When he pushes his hand against my cheek and yanks my arm toward him, I grunt in pain. So I lift my leg awkwardly and kick him in the lower abdomen. I'm free for a moment and I act on it. I jump onto his back and squeeze my arm around his neck.

His surprise allows me to hook it under his chin and access one of his weak spots. The sound of him choking is right in my ear but before I can feel any sort of satisfaction, he's throwing himself (and me) onto the mat.

Now it's me choking as I force myself to not let go. I grip the wrist of the arm that is secured around his neck tighter than I choke him. I just want him to pass out, I don't really wanna hurt him.

Russell's trying to pry my arm off of him and his nails begin to leave painful scratches through my sleeve. I then wrap my legs around his middle half and force him to arch his back. He's struggling to fight back now, air is precious to the body and I've blocked it.

His face is obviously red but I'm focused on the way he's trying to push my legs off of him. With most of my lower body strength, I flip him onto his side and we roll so he's on his stomach. We're still joined as I don't relent in my hold.

It takes a minute or two more of me holding him in place for him to finally fall slack. My arms are burning and so are my thighs. I lay limply on him before rolling to my side. Before anyone can see if he's okay, I put my hand by his nose and feel air escaping.

"He's alive." I say and then lay back down on the floor, trying to catch my breath. My joints are on fire as I stand and then help Russell up despite wanting to leave him on the ground.

The redness in his face takes a while to fade and so does the bruising on his neck. We're sent to the infirmary with me escorting him in case he passes out.

He doesn't speak much, "Sorry." Russell shrugs, "You can talk right?"

"I dunno." I hiss through my teeth, his voice sounds completely different than before. I did that. Fuck. I curse internally.

"I tried to not hurt you, just... get you down."

Russell shrugs, "Notice you don't go for punching, why?" He's clearly in pain as he speaks and I shake my head at myself.

"I don't know if you can tell but I'm not exactly big." I'm tall for a factionless girl but here I'm dwarfed by most of the women.

"Didn't think you'd know how to fight until you fought with Four. Kind of amazing, actually."

A smile grows on my face, "Thanks, my cousin taught me what I know. So did my Baba."

"Thanks for walking me, Rita Rose."

I furrow my eyebrows upon hearing my whole name, "Thanks... Russell."

"Russ, please." He says.

"Then call me Rita?" I offer my hand.

Russ smiles, "Deal, Rita." We shake hands before he turns into the infirmary to get a check-up.

While walking back to the gym, I think that I may have misjudged Russ. It's probably not true but we are in a completely different setting. I can see how a lot of people are so different. Tris alone is a prime example. She used to be quiet and would fade into the background.

It's kind of hard to ignore her now, with Christina's guidance, Tris wears that dark eyeliner almost every day. I think it looks nice. It's a little harsh but so is she. Something inside me wants to give these kids another chance.

The missing clothing and scarves remind me not to give some of them a second chance. I'd like nothing more than to throttle those three. My ma used to tell me how I was a fire. Tammi apparently was water. Her little elements, she'd say.

Ada Jane is the Earth, she grounds everyone in our family. When she came into our home, I remember how something in my ma lit up. She'd always wanted more children but she wasn't keen on bringing another child into that environment. No parent would willingly subject their child to starvation.

But Ada came out of nowhere. She was born to factioned parents but when they passed due to unknown circumstances (which is code for probably murdered), she was sent to my family. It's weird how they paint the fractured as inhumane and broken but willingly sent a child into our lives.

My mom wouldn't allow herself to say no. She hated the thought of another child suffering but money was coming easier, Tammi and I could both begin working with my father as Ada stayed home with my mother. Then last year, I started tutoring and it helped a lot.

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Fractured | Tobias Eaton ✓Where stories live. Discover now