07 | No Reason For It

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Lauren stands in front of her group of initiates, those who were born into Dauntless. "This is where we divide," She says, "The Dauntless born initiates are with me, I assume you," Lauren looks at her group, "Don't need a tour of the place." A few of them laugh before she beckons them to follow.

I lean onto the balls of my feet feeling tired from everything. I know my legs will be sore from all the running and jumping. There are only eleven transfers including myself... A lot of Candor kids came to Dauntless. I guess harsh truths mix well with brutal beatings?

Once Lauren and the Dauntless born aren't visible in the dark hall, Four turns to speak to us. "Most of the time I work in the control room, but for the next few weeks, I am your instructor, my name is Four." He speaks simply, maturely. But I can tell he's not that much older, maybe three or so years older than us?

"Four? Like the number?" Christina asks, a confused smile on her face.

He doesn't look impressed, "Yes, is there a problem?" Four's tone reminds me of my father's when he's being serious. Commanding respect and your attention to their words. My hands tighten around one another.

"No," Christina says.

"Good. We're about to go into the Pit which you'll someday learn to love. It-" He's cut off by Christina again. I give her a look to shut up. We have no idea how he'll react and I've dealt with some pretty explosive men in my lifetime.

She laughs, "The Pit? Clever name." Before anybody has a chance to react, Four is towering over Christina, clearly intimidating her. I have a feeling her Candor nature will get her in loads of trouble.

Four stares at her for a moment, I'm standing close enough to her, that I can almost hear her heart pounding. "What's your name?"

"Christina." She answers quickly.

"Well, Christina, if I wanted to put up with Candor smart-mouths, I would have joined their faction," There's anger lacing his tone, but I don't sense any actual irritation. Could it just be a scare tactic? Be a dick in order to make us listen? Wouldn't be the first time someone's done that. "The first lesson you will learn from me is to keep your mouth shut, got it?"

She's silent but nods. I didn't like that at all, even Tris looks startled by it.

Four starts walking away, "What a jerk." Christina mumbles and I nod.

"Seemed like a scare tactic, if I'm being honest. My dad taught me how to read body language." I say without thinking.

"Doesn't matter, that was rude," Christina argues.

Tris shrugs, "Guess he doesn't like being laughed at."

A pair of double doors open up to a large... pit. I suppress a groan. Why couldn't Dauntless be as smart as they are reckless... who told them this was a good idea? The space is massive, children run along the side of the hole with no help and it fills me with anxiety. I'm going to die here, aren't I?

Above our heads, there's a glass roof that casts an orange-colored light on the white walls. This looks like a quarry from the history books. There are hundreds of people milling around, everyone is dressed in black with pops of red and white here and there. Tattoos cover more skin than their clothes do...

"If you follow me, I'll show you the chasm." The group moves as I lean away from the edge. It's making me nervous being so close to certain death. A faint sound of rushing water hums under all of the voices of the Dauntless.

"Are you alright?" Christina asks.

"Don't like death being right beside me, is all." I take a deep breath as she agrees with a nod. The closer to this chasm we get, the louder the moving water sounds. I focus on my breathing as I sense a change in the floor, we're on a platform now. Pull yourself together, Rita. David told me all about Dauntless, and so did my dad. But holy crap I didn't think it'd be so daunting.

Fractured | Tobias Eaton ✓Where stories live. Discover now