06 | Rita Rose

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As soon as I've made my choice, the crowd of Dauntless dressed in black makes a break for the stairwell. Oh Allah, not again. I almost look over my shoulder for my family before remembering they're not here... they're at home, probably enjoying one another's company without me. I don't have any time to get stuck in my head as the Dauntless run down the stairs nearly as fast as I sprint.

I am once again so thankful David pushed my limits, I hope I can thank him soon... somehow. The sound of boots on pavement echoes through the stairwell as the doors are thrown open, I'm practically pushed out of the door and hardly keep my balance.

I just barely catch myself before scrambling up with the help of Beatrice, she doesn't offer a smile so I don't give her one either. My heart beats in my ears as I know what's next. I've seen Dauntless students do it before when I would leave the school for the day... They climb the supports that hold up the train and jump on.

Luckily David prepared me... but we never got to do it on a real train. Only running and jumping sideways. I'm brought back to what's going on by an Erudite, I scowl at the back of the boy's head. The urge to curse at him rises in my throat, but I ignore it and keep running. I wipe the sweat from my palms and climb as quickly as I can manage with all the noise.

The train is coming, quickly. I watch some of the older members and copy them as best as I can. I throw myself toward the train door and manage to grab the handle. But the wind tosses me back and I yelp, if I fail now I'm factionless again, with all of my strength I curl around and stick a foot inside the car. Someone helps me and I'm not sure who until I glance up to see a Candor girl.

"You're welcome." Her tone isn't angry, just blunt.

"Thanks," I grunt and wipe the dust from my face and sit down against the wall.

She offers me a smile from beside Beatrice, "I'm Christina!"

"Rita," I point to my chest. She nods and nudges Beatrice. "Oh, we've met already."

"What's it like being Factionless?" Christina asks, curiosity dripping in her voice. I know she means well but I'm not comfortable answering with all these people around.

I just shrug my shoulders before turning to put my face in the window. Now that everyone's on the train, everything is quiet. The only sound is the train on the tracks. The wind is a bit loud but that's normal.

There's an Erudite sitting beside me, very well the same one who bumped into me. I feel for loose spots in my hijab and tighten it where it's needed. My headcap will keep my hair covered even without the scarf but my mother has preached looking presentable even if I'm only presenting to myself.

"You're different than I expected," Says the brown-haired boy sitting beside me. I don't respond as I watch the buildings pass by, "My name's Russ," He sighs, "you don't talk much, do you?"

"Not to assholes like you." I lean so I'm facing away from the Erudite.

Russ scoffs, "Asshole? You don't even know me!" He refutes and I can practically hear the smirk on his face.

I turn so he can see my face, "Know me now?" My voice is cold, I remember how many times he'd say statistics about the factionless at me when I entered the school building, it's why I began going earlier. "That's what I thought, Russell." I cross my arms over my chest and look outside.

"I only did that to look cool, you know." I ignored him once again.

"They're jumping off!" A boy who is hanging halfway out of the train car shouts. I've been standing for a little while now so I push my head out the door without thinking and am nearly pulled out by the wind. Russell grabs my shoulders and pulls me back inside. I try not to glare at him for touching me because he saved my life. I just turn my head and lean on the wall to look outside.

Fractured | Tobias Eaton ✓Where stories live. Discover now