33 | You Can't Be Fine

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Due to growing up in a house with a roof that could cave in at any moment's notice, I've always been a light sleeper. Things where we lived weren't quiet; there was always some kind of commotion so noise often didn't keep me from sleeping. But tonight... I kept hearing whispering and feet shuffling, not the usual sound of someone sleepwalking or talking. There was something going on and it made me uneasy.

The first time someone gets up, it's Tris. Later, I recognize the voice of Peter, someone who can't seem to ever keep his mouth shut, even while we're supposed to be asleep. I roll over onto my back and the voices stop, they must have seen me move. My body stills and soon I hear the door open and close, I sit up and try to count the bodies in the beds. We're short four, Tris, Peter, Drew, and... Al.

Despite not being too close with Tris, a part of me knows Peter is up to no good. The last time someone was ranked above him, they got a butterknife to the eye. "Just stay in bed, it's fine." I curse at myself before shoving my feet into my shoes and grabbing a hijab to cover my cap as I rush out of the dorm, I follow the sound of the voices until I see the back of Drew's head.

I duck behind the corner and peer around the edge of the wall and gasp at the sight before me. They've got Tris in their arms. It's the only thing on my mind as I turn around and run in the opposite direction, I've got to get help. I can't believe that Al would do this, I understand Peter and Drew... but Al... he seemed like a nice guy.

My mind races through the possible people I can go to for help. I don't know where Eric and Four are, not that I'd even go to Eric in the first place. He was perfectly content with dangling my friend over the chasm and ignoring that someone got stabbed. So I don't think he'd mind some assholes doing the same with Tris.

Christina's too small to help and I'm sure Russ won't wake up. He sleeps like the dead but he's my only option at this point. I force myself to sprint toward the dormitory.

Just as I turn the last corner (and tuck the final piece of my hijab into place), I'm thrown into the water fountain by something I didn't see. The pain that blossoms through the left side of my torso is jarring and it makes me whimper.

"You okay?" If I wasn't in such discomfort, I'd probably sigh at the fact that Four happens to be the one I ran into.

I shake my head, "They got–" I take a deep breath, "They're taking Tris somewhere. You have to help her." Four nods his head after I assure him that I'm fine. I lean against the wall despite wanting to follow him. He's capable of taking them on, right? I chew on my lip for a moment before sighing at myself, "He doesn't need your help, Rita." I really need to stop talking to myself.

The closer I get, the harder it is to see. But I can somewhat hear the sound of what I recognize as fighting. All I see are silhouettes and the only one I can easily pick out is Al due to his height, Tris is across the bridge and the fighting is in my way but I feel like I have to make sure she's alright.

Al runs past me as Four throws Peter across the ground, I look away and run toward Tris. I pulled her up from the bars, she was dangling above the chasm just like Christina was. It's difficult to pull her up on my own but I manage to do so. "Are you alright?" I hold her face between my hands, I can't imagine the fear she felt before we found her.

Her breaths are fast and shallow and yet, she nods. "Yea, I'm fine." I furrow my brows at her, how could she be fine after that? Behind me, I hear retreating footsteps after a series of painful-sounding hits. Tris looks past me toward Four, "How'd you find me?" She blinks a few times as I keep my eyes on her, making sure she's okay.

"Rita found you first," Four exhales loudly as I sigh in relief.

"What'd they do to you?" I question, "Tris, look at me." I grab her chin and pull my hijab off–I use it to wipe the blood off of her face.

The look in her eyes breaks my heart, I'd know such an expression anywhere. It fills me with rage even though I've never even liked Tris. Tears glaze over my vision as I try to find the right words to remedy her pain, but nothing comes to me other than an apology for not getting help quick enough. "I am so sorry, Tris." I hug her lightly, trying to be gentle.

She's stiff due to the contact and the thought calms me a little. "You did what you could."

"You two should go to the infirmary, I'll walk you there." Tris disagrees with a shake of her head.

"They can't know they scared me." She croaks and confusion fills me.

"Tris, are you crazy? You need medical attention, I'm pretty sure I heard you bang your head against the railing a few times, you can't be fine."

She sighs, "I'll live. I just don't want them to see me like this. And it's not my blood–I bit one of them."

Four stands on the bridge with his hands on his hips, "You could stay with me, just for tonight. I have a first aid kit there."

"Isn't that unethical, Four?" I look at Tris and she doesn't seem against the idea, "Someone has to take Drew to the infirmary." Silence falls over us. We know who's going to have to take Drew. But he's also our access to his apartment.

"I'll take you two to my apartment so you can clean yourselves up and I'll drop Drew off at the infirmary. How's that sound?" He's asking Tris and I won't lie, it stings a bit.

She nods, "Sounds fine." She looks at me and I shrug, "Okay."

"Alright, it's settled. Can you stand?" Tris squeezes her eyes shut for a moment and I realize she must have a concussion.

 Can you stand?" Tris squeezes her eyes shut for a moment and I realize she must have a concussion

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