04 | Dauntless Leader Meeting

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If there's one thing I hate most about being a leader–it's the meetings. They're practically never ending and despite Dauntless not being known for being organized, we have meetings every single morning. At 6 AM. I usually stumble in with one minute to spare because I hate mornings.

And... Tobias has to wake me up often. I love to sleep.

"Today we're discussing what Ms. Rita brought up in our last meeting–allowing the transfers to freely see their parents after they've been initiated." Max stands at the head of the table as I drink icy lemon water to wake myself up. "We're here to cast a vote on whether or not we'd like this to become a possibility in the future."

He looks at me and I nod and push myself up so I'm standing, "You all know I hate mornings, so this will be brief. The reason why I think we should allow our transfers to see their families–albeit very sparingly–is because it will help them to feel more at home here. I know some of you might think 'Oh if they're seeing their old home they might begin reconsidering having chosen Dauntless' and I understand your concerns,

"But for me, seeing my family on visiting day helped me tremendously throughout the next stage of initiation. If these kids know they will be able to see their family again if they make it through–I think it will breed a good amount of competitiveness without it being toxic like before. We pride ourselves on our camaraderie and putting Dauntless before our bloodlines but I think it's important for many people to honor their blood. I'm such an example–my family is who I am. And without them, I wouldn't be here in this room.

"I just think these kids need some hope. The initiation can be grueling and personally, I think we should allow them to have something more to look forward to than just security. They shouldn't just survive here–we should offer them good, healthy, and fulfilling lives. And I think that seeing your family–if you so choose–will promote those ideals. Thank you."

Just as usual, the room is silent as everyone thinks this over. Papers are distributed and we mark a simple 'yes or no' if we want to push this idea into something we might enact. Hologram dividers appear between each of us, blocking each other from view. I, of course, circle yes.

Once we've all voted, we fold the sheets and the dividers disappear. Max collects them into a jar and shakes them around. I kind of love this part–it makes it feel less serious.

He reaches his hand in and pulls a sheet out, "Yes," And continues on. There are five of us right now, we just lost another leader to old age. Me, Eric, Max, Holly, and Cillian. We're holding off on opening training up again for the end of this set of initiation. That way the new highest-ranking initiates can have a chance to train as a leader.

We get three yes' and two no's. The motion passes and now my bill has been birthed. 'Bridges Across Factions', it's a bit cheesy but I couldn't make it too wordy or else Max would have upright ignored me. Eric looks a bit miffed and I struggle not to smirk at him.

He's always quite bitchy when I get what I want. So jealous.

"Alright, now we're going to discuss this year's initiates."


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