16 | Keep Us In

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The following morning, Peter is suspiciously quiet. And my things are folded neatly in a small bag at the end of my bed. I smirk at the bag and walk to the bathroom with that smirk and smirk on my way back to the dorms. I can't help it, winning feels so good.

Tris is still asleep even when we leave for breakfast, "Shouldn't we go warn her? I bet it's gonna be hard for her to walk today." Christina volunteers herself and takes two muffins to the dorms, I eat my egg and turkey-bacon sandwich quietly. Stealing glances across the room at Four. I want to thank him for whatever he did to Peter.

Maybe he'll stop being such a dick to everyone. Though I doubt a little fear will go a long way with Peter.

"What's up with him?" Will's leaning super close to my side and I give him a look of irritation, "Sorry, but look." He nods toward Peter, who looks sullen as hell.

I snicker between bites before taking a drink of water, "Looks like Peter might have finally learned his lesson about being a horrible person."

Will shakes his head, "There's no way." I shrug, "What happened?"

"I dunno, I was just told it'd be taken care of."

A smile breaks out on his face, "It is so good to see that idiot all sad, I've never been this happy to see someone suffer before."

"God, me too." I bump my shoulder against his before leaning back in place. "I'm gonna go check on Tris and Christina."

I never saw her yesterday, mostly because I had other plans but I meant to see if she was alive at the very least. She ended up tiptoeing into the dorms late last night–waking me up. I almost punched her, I thought someone was trying to break in.

I jog back to the dorms and Christina's tying Tris' shoes for her. "Ouch, Tris." Her face is bruised beyond recognition. "Did they give you anything for–well everything?"

"Just last night, but I snuck out before I could get anything else."

"That sucks. But at least Peter's finally been knocked down a peg," I say with a smile, "I got my stuff back." The pink scarf was pinned to my cap and I felt so incredibly high on this ego trip.

Christina laughed, "How'd you do that anyway?"

"Four basically cornered me until I admitted why I threatened Peter. And what do you know, this morning Peter looks like he got put in his place."

Tris can't smile much because of her bruises but I see gratitude in her eyes, "Thank you, Rita."

I shrug, "He was as much a nuisance to me as he was you. Although I still want to kick his skinny ass."

"Your ass is way skinnier!" Christina argues and I gasp.

"Your's is!" We bicker back and forth all the way to the Pit.

"What took you so long!?" Will yells as the train blares on its horn.

Christina jabs her thumb towards Tris, "Stumpy Legs over here turned into an old lady overnight!" I chuckle.

"Oh, shut up," Tris mumbles which only fuels my laughter some more. Her sour expression is too funny to ignore. I see Four standing in front of the other initiates, he lets us board first.

"You need some help, Tris?" I ask, not really thinking about it. She shakes her head, "Okay."

I run alongside the train and jump up, gripping the door handle tightly and shoving my foot inside the door, promptly dragging myself inside. Will lands on his stomach and then I see Al lifts Tris by her arms like a kitten.

Fractured | Tobias Eaton ✓Where stories live. Discover now