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Plates and glasses clatter and crash against the already dinged up sink as I fail at balancing one last dish atop my growing pile. Sighing at the mess in my shabby kitchen, takeout cartons and dirty napkins littered about, I vow to clean up once I'm back.


God, I really took my staff for granted, before.

Grabbing my phone and leather jacket from the counter, I quickly march down the rickety steps into my lobby and out the rattling door.

Glancing at my screen, I notice that I'm already late. Fuck me. I have way too much on my mind today - a meeting with Rocco to finalize some contract things, along with something else that he won't just tell me about over the phone. Annoying fucker that he is.

From there, I have a session with Dr. Dex and then I have an important call to make.

I need to tell Zoey that whatever shit she's getting herself into, she can count me out. Barely keeping it together as it is, I really don't need to add decade old drama into the mix.

Already outside of the old coffee shop, my jittery strides getting me here faster than I had expected, I burst through the door, the jingle of bells overhead and the aroma of coffee beans greeting me simultaneously.

I peer around the cafe, noticing a lack of Rocco's gray beard, and make my way to the counter. Pulling out my phone, I dial his number.

"Can I get a large coffee, black?" I murmur, holding back an eye roll as I add as an after thought, "Please?"

I only look up to hand over the cash, and my breath catches in my throat.

Emma, warm and smiley, freckly faced Emma, grins back at me, her old apron hanging around her waist. With a slight blush, she takes the money from my fingers.

"Please? I'm impressed. Coming right up."

I hang up the phone call before it even connects and gape at the sight in front of me. After yesterday - our argument and then me turning down her offer to go inside (and then convincing myself not to turn the car around the whole way home) - I don't know where we stand. But damn, seeing her behind this counter brings back memories.

"Talk about deja vu," I crane my neck over the counter to watch her pour my steaming beverage. "What're you doing back here?"

Surely, she isn't picking up shifts for the cash? She has to know that anything she needs, I can provide.

"I took a personal day at work," She rubs the back of her neck sheepishly. I wonder if her "personal" day had to do with our fight, but I don't ask. "I came here to see Nadine but her new hire didn't show, so..."

"So here you are." I grin, her floppy bun and old white converse reminding me of our early days. The little name tag she always wore is clipped to her shirt, like a badge of honor.

"Here I am." She repeats, shrugging casually. "And here you are." She hands me my coffee and I think I notice a flirty batting of her lashes, but I can't be sure.

Taking the paper cup carefully, I can't help but smile at her like an idiot.

"What're you looking at?" She blushes.

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