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"Alright, we're here." Beau puts his mustang in park outside of a dark, brick building in a short business strip, an intimidating font reading Black Heart Tattoo Shop above a deep red door. "Ready to go, baby momma?"

"I told you: I don't like when you call me that," I roll my eyes dramatically, a small laugh still escaping me anyhow.

"Yeah, yeah." Beau smirks his devious, Cheshire Cat grin, reaching into his back pocket for his wallet. "Well you're stuck with it for at least another eighteen years, so... Get used to it." He offers a wink before continuing more seriously. "Do you see my wallet anywhere in the back?"

As he resumes checking his pockets, I reach into the backseat, shuffling through CD's - old school, I chuckle to myself - and fast food trash. My hand finds something smooth and cool in the pile and instinctually, I grab it to inspect it further.

I stifle a small gasp, the butterflies already wild in my belly as excited tears prick my eyes.

It's a parenting book. For dummies. How... sweet.

I peer at Beau as discreetly as I can, heart fluttering as he mumbles various curses under his breath, frustratedly continuing his search. He never fails to surprise me, that's for sure.

Gently returning the book to where it was, safely "hidden" beneath a leather jacket and some used napkins, I finally find his wallet. I force myself to frown - hoping it'll help to keep my stupid grin in check, and hold it out to him.

"Got it."

"See?" Beau grumbles, completely unaware of my other discovery, and exits the vehicle, coming around my side to hold the door open for me. "What would I do without you?"

I bite back another smile as Beau opens the shop door, waving me through. I wasn't sure what to expect in a tattoo parlor, but this little place definitely doesn't disappoint.

Painted in dark maroon and black hues, and decorated with leather furnishings and huge, blown up images of tattoos and piercings, the shop has a very Beau vibe to it. I admire the framed photos on the walls, a range of colorful artwork and realistic black and gray pieces making it hard to believe they're inked into real people's skin.

"Can I help you?" A man comes behind the counter then, his head shaved but covered in black tribal tattoos, his face heavily adorned with rings and dermal piercings.

I pull my eyes from the display case full of silicone body parts and display piercings, and peer up at Beau who still looks calm as a cucumber. My own excitement is more amusing to him I think, especially since we're only here for him.

"Beau Lewis, I have an appointment."

The man nods, taking a moment to check the schedule.

"You didn't tell me what you're getting,"  I watch Beau curiously, wondering why he isn't more nervous.

Running my eyes over his body, I'm reminded why not. Oddly, I find it easy to forget about the ink, sort of blending into his whole persona, but with how many there are, it's really not that strange that he isn't scared. Still, the mere thought of a needle raking across my skin gives me the chills.

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