34: Genevieve

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"Okay!" Anthony dropped his knife and fork and pointed at me. It was Sunday night and I hadn't trained today. 

I was supposed to, but I couldn't. I was tired. Maybe I did need to train to get used to my strength. Yesterday was tiring but it was too much to handle on a first go. 

"What?" My father asked as he wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"Am I the only one here who has noticed Alex's sudden change in hair and eye color?" 

I glanced at both of my parents to see them watching me. My brother was sat on my left while my dad sat at the head of the table with my mom on his left and my brother on his right.

Mom placed her knife and fork on the plate. "The doctor said her hair cortex-"

"The part that controls the hair colour." He stated obviously trying to show of his much studied for medical degree.

"The cortex controls the hair strength and colour, yes. It apparently mutated during her heat stroke. They said her heat stroke was so severe, some of her genes mutated. She's lucky to be alive." She mumbled the last part and continued eating. Anthony's face went red as he frowned.

I sighed and stood up from the table. "May I be excused? I'm tired and I'd like to get an early night. I'm going back go school on Tuesday right?"

My father frowned. "Yes, you may be excused. And yes, you go back on Tuesday." 

"Thanks," I picked up my plate and walked into the kitchen. I was so tired it was unbelievable. I've been listening to the voices in my head and started to recognize which voice belonged to whom. My mom's was easy to spot. All she could think of was me, work and keeping everything in order.

My dad wasn't hard since all he thinks of is work, work, and work. And my brother kept thinking of Eliza and when he was leaving. Sometimes the thoughts were incoherent and sometimes they were clear. 

I placed the plate in the dishwasher and walked to the stairs. I hadn't talked to Gabriel since yesterday. He helped me off the roof, into my room and told me to be careful if I thought someone was calling me. He said each one is different and I would be able to tell if it's a trap or someone I didn't know. Like when Mary called me for example. I knew her so I had a feeling it wasn't a trap. I didn't think it was, so I went with it. Then again, it was my first call. I would have gone either way.

I opened my bedroom door and went into my closet to change into a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt.

It was only seven thirty and I wanted to call it a night. Having a really small amount of energy sucked. Especially since I'm supposed to have more than most angels, it doesn't help that I lose it after one session.

I lay down and stared at the ceiling. I hadn't had a dream last night and I was itching for a flashback. I was waiting for the Genevieve memory. I was waiting for the memory involving the Raleigh and Fayetteville fires. It was obvious to me now that I was involved. 

Maryanne called me a monster. I wanted to know what I'd done. I wanted to know...

I shut my eyes and sighed. Could I control the flashbacks? There must be some way of triggering them.

I could slowly feel myself drifting off to sleep with the last thoughts in my mind of Genevieve and the burning flames of Fayetteville...

*May 1831*

"How dare you?! Where is he, Leo, or so help me god I will do something we will both regret."

I watched Lonny (me) hold Leo up against a very Victorian styled wall. I looked around the house and noticed very old traditional furniture and old wooden floorboards. 

Leo frowned down at her and looked behind her. Axel was on the floor panting and Tristan was watching with wide eyes. 

I stared at Tristan and smiled. He looked exactly the same as he did now except his hair was blonder. Almost white. 

I turned back to Lonny and saw the tears threatening to spill over her eyes. I tilted my head. What was going on? In my head I could practically feel the bolt on the cage containing my memories loosen.

"Lonny, the Elders are very furious with both of you. Especially him, since it was in his duties not to-"

"I do not care!" She barked. The tears that were threatening ran down her cheeks. "I turned over a year ago and I have not heard or seen of him. What have you done with him?"

Axel stood up. "We ordered him away from you for the time being."

Lonny dropped Leo and turned on Axel with frantic eyes. "No."

"It was our orders from the elders, we had no choice." Axel defended. 

A door opened and I heard the foot falls of heels and boots. A blonde Maryanne came around the corner with a gorgeous blonde male. I stared at him and frowned. Who was he?

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