23: The Book of Enoch

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"Theo, I hate you."
He started laughing as he put the car in park. "You love me."
"I hate you now that you're following me around like a lost puppy. Remind me again why you've been taking me to school everyday?"
"Because... I'm saving you gas money."
I grabbed my bag from the back seat. "You're using my car, asshole."

Theo's been here for half a week now. And what a pain in the ass he's been. Gabriel hadn't dared come in my room since Theo's been here. Theo won't leave my freaking side. I mean, I love him I really do, and catching up with him has been great but it can get a bit annoying. Gabriel hasn't been in school at all this week so I haven't had the chance of seeing or speaking to him since Sunday.
It's his birthday on Friday. And I'm hoping he'll at least be here for that. I feel alone when he's not around sometimes.
"Yeah but I'm paying for gas so it's no worries." He kissed my forehead. "I'll be here to pick you up after school."
"Don't be late or I'll hurt you." I got out of the car and waved at him as he drove down the road. If he damaged my car I have no idea what I'd do to him.
"Oo, he's yummy."
My jaw clenched as I turned to Kimberly. Her brown hair was tied in a unattractive messy bun.
"Go near my cousin and I'll personally rip your eyebrows off." I said to her.
She gasped and took a step back. "You're so violent."
"That's me." I brushed past her but she obviously didn't get the message because she started walking along side.
"So your birthday is this Saturday huh?"
"Yes... And?"
We entered the building and she followed me toward my locker. "What do you want for your birthday? Jewellery? Clothes? Anything to add to your mysterious sex toy collection in your bedroom?"
I stopped and stared at her. "Do you want me to punch you in your fake boobs, Kim?"
She backed up. "First of all they're not fake. But I have a feeling you will if I don't stop."
I watched her back up and smiled. "That's because I will so piss off before I fly kick your face."
She walked off and I heard chuckling behind me. "You're a very graphic person, Alexis."
I turned and smiled at Ian. "Yeah well, Kimberly seems to push all of my buttons. She brings out the worst in me."
He laughed. "She's going on Saturday right?"
I nodded and sighed. "So unfortunate. The girls made me invite her."
He nodded but then frowned. "I'm sorry I can't make it on Saturday."
I smiled. "Don't worry about it."
His frown turned into a smile. "I've got you a present though. I'll give it to you on Friday."
I nodded and grinned. I'm happy I befriended Ian. He's an awesome guy. He's like one of those guys you could probably do anything with even if you couldn't give him the label of a best friend.
He looked down at me with a cute smile. "Study hall first period!"
I groaned. "I hate study hall."
He shrugged. "So do I, but it needs to be done. I need to use the computer."
We both walked into homeroom and grinned at a group of people we talked to... Well, he talked to. I knew them but I didn't really talk to them that much.

At the end of roll call Ian and I met up with Jayden for study hall. I'd noticed a definite change in attitude from Jay with Ian. I remember when he first met him. He thought he was creepy. Whatever Jayden had in his mind has obviously disappeared.
"Alex, don't forget you owe me a muffin."
I sighed. "Yes I know you've been reminding me since Monday."
"Well I have to make sure you don't forget." We walked into the library and split to where we needed to go. Technically I didn't actually need to be anywhere in particular so I decided to go on the computers. 

I used my school log on and waited for the schools crappy modem to start up.
The school blocked all social networks on here so the only thing I could really do on here is surf.
I started off with Googling my name which only came up with random pictures of horses and mushrooms. Oh and this guy called Alex Gardner who's a singer. I'll have to look him up later. I wonder if he's any good.
I went into my bag and took out the book Cirque De Freak I got from the library. I checked the date I had to give it in a cursed myself. It had to be in today but I totally forgot about it.
I went onto the website and checked the opening and closing times. I wonder if Theo will be willing to drive up there...

The Mark of a Fallen AngelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon