38: Cam

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"Ouch," I muttered as my ribs constricted in pain.

He pulled me up off the ground carefully and wrapped his arm around my waist. I supported my weight by putting my hand on his shoulder. 

I started hopping with him toward the exit but I stopped him. "I left my friend and a teacher in the classroom." I mumbled.

He kept his eyes forward as he nodded. 

As we walked, my head and face started to throb in pain along with my ribs. I clenched my teeth to stop myself from crying and thankfully it was working. I glanced at Cam to see his face hadn't changed. There was a new emotion in his eyes that I could only describe as anger or worry. Maybe even both.


He stopped walking and looked down at me.

I searched his eyes quickly but then my eyes drifted to the side of his head where there was a trail of red moisture. "You're bleeding."

He turned his head forward and continued walking. "When the lights blew, a piece of glass flew to my head." He said in a low and shaky voice.

"Are you alright?"

He glanced at me. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I just stared at him. He sighed. "I'm angry. I'm fine otherwise. But how are you?"

We stopped in front of the classroom and I opened the door. "I'm fine."

He chuckled without any trace of humour. "What's the use in lying?"

"Fine. My stomach is hurting so I'm pretty sure something's happened to my ribs. I got punched in the face and thrown against a wall so I feel really dizzy."

"Hmm..." He carefully placed me on one of the tables. "We have to hurry. People nearby heard the noise and called he police. What happened to these two?"

"I put them to sleep. I'm too tired to do anything else and I'm not entirely sure how I did it in the first place." I closed my eyes and put my head in my hands. I was so drained it was unbelievable.

Suddenly, I heard rustling and footsteps. I opened my eyes to see the back of Jay walking out of the door. Mr. Williams wasn't in the room anymore but Cam was.


"They won't remember this," He said. "Your friend left at..." He looked at the big clock on the wall that said quarter to seven "Five thirty before any of this started. He didn't need to take you home because your mother came to pick you up. Your teacher left at quarter to six."

I blinked. He did that all in thirty seconds!

I heard sirens from afar. Cam left the room and came back with my bag, coat and jacket. I grabbed my coat and jacket and quickly shrugged them on. I stood up slowly.

Cam surprised me by knocking my feet out from under me and cradling me to his chest. He placed my bag on my lap and smiled down at me.

"Excuse me?" I squealed.

"Hold your breath." I didn't think twice about taking a deep death and closing my eyes. The wind hit my face at full speed and after a moment so did the rain. It was still pouring rain and the faster we went the more rain hit us.

I heard the horrible flesh ripping sound and felt his body vibrate. Before I even had time to open my eyes and blink we were lifting off the ground at a slightly slower speed than on the ground.

I started breathing normally as I looked down at the world. It was so sure surreal being up here. Like the world was separate to me.

It was still raining pretty hard but as we got higher above the clouds it started to slow. I glanced at Cam and back around. This is the second time I'd been so high. Well, this is my second time flying. First time, I remember when I was human. When Gabriel finally admitted what he was. And I admitted I loved him.

Hard to believe most of that only happened a month ago. It seemed like it was ages ago.
Cam started to slow down a little as we plunged back into the thick clouds. We landed softly on grass in my backyard which surprised me. When did I ever tell him where I lived?

His wings were still stretched out which gave me a chance to look. They were so different. I don't remember anything about slightly gold colored wings. His wings were mostly white with hints of gold.

"Which is your window," He asked me. He had to shout slightly over the rain.

"The one with the ledge." I said.

He hovered up, managed to somehow balance me with one arm and open my window which was thankfully unlocked. His wings retracted back into his back but I didn't watch. I heard it all that was enough.

He carefully stepped into my room, located my bed and placed me on the edge.

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