18: Power

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"Miss Gardiner, I'd appreciate it if you removed your sunglasses and scarf. You're not a movie star. And I'd also appreciate it if you didn't sleep in my classroom."

I slowly lifted my head off the table but didn't make an attempt to remove the scarf. I willingly took off my sunglasses and blinked at the bright light. I hadn't been sleeping well lately. Meaning, I was in a shite mood. I had too much on the brain.

Mom grounded me for a couple of days because of the state of my room. Yeah, it was basically trashed. I didn't realise until I went back into my room on Saturday evening. Gabe apologised and offered to help clean it up and so did Tristan. But by the time we even got started, my mom walked in, already in a shit mood, and started yelling at me.

So I haven't been out the house for four days except for school. Meaning I haven't had the chance to go to the library and check out the books Tristan suggested.

"Miss Gardiner," Mr Duncan my calculus teacher said. "I hope you haven't been drinking."

I scowled and others students sniggered. "No, I haven't sir." I snapped.

He cleared his throat. "Please remove your scarf."


Gabriel turned around from in front of me. He gave me a warning look but I ignored him. Some of the students started whispering and muttering.

"Alexis, I'm asking you to take your scarf off."

"What has my scarf got to with the curriculum? Is it ruining it? Is it distracting? No. So I'm not taking it off."

Someone beside me nudged me and the others were talking louder.

'Alexis, be quiet.' Gabriel thought.

"I have every mind to send you to the principal's office, Alexis."

I stood up. "Don't bother, I'll send myself."

Gabriel stood up.

"Mr Thomas, sit down!" Yelled a red faced Mr Duncan.

I grabbed my books and walked out of the classroom slamming the door and winking at Mr Duncan. His face brightened into a darker shade of red as he yelled at the class.

I sighed and looked down at my left hand. I frowned at it and started scratching it. I'd noted that every time I get angry it starts burning or itching. I walked down the halls scratching up and down my arm and hand.

The halls were empty as I made my way to the principal's office.

An arm slipped around my waist and pulled me into their chest receiving a startled cry from me. Had the stranger found me?

My heart was thumping against my rib cage.

"Take off your scarf." Whispered a familiar voice.

I sighed with relief but then scowled. I pulled out of Tristan's arms and kicked him in the shin.

"You just gave me a heart attack!" I yelled.

He started laughing and grabbed me in a hug. "Oh calm down, will you? As long as me and Gabe are here nothing will happen to you."

I pulled away from him and narrowed my eyes. Tristan was like a bear sometimes. Give him some honey and he'll be your best friend. Get on his wrong side and he'll rip you apart.

"What are you doing here? How did you even get into school?"

He shrugged. "I snuck in. It's pretty easy actually. I'm here for no more than twenty seconds and I see you through the door refusing to take your scarf off. How's your bite anyway?" He moved my scarf and gasped.

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