40: Tutored

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"I'd catch a grenade for ya!!"

I slammed my book shut and looked up at Tristan.

"Throw my hand on a blade for ya!!" He sung. 

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I'd jump in front of a train for ya!!"

"Unless you stop singing that damn song, I'll push you in front of the train." I shouted so he could hear me.

He took one of his earphones out and smiled at me. I knew what he was about to do. I could hear him scheming. I opened my mouth to stop him but he did it:

"Oh, oh! I would go through all this pain! Take a bullet straight through my brain!! Yes I would die for you baby!"
He clenched his hand in front of him for emphasis. "But you won't do the same!" 

I stood up from the couch across from him in a flash. I pushed him on the couch so his face was in the pillows and I was sitting on his back. "What did I just say?" I smacked his head.

"Ouch! Come on that's unfair! You always hit my head!" He shouted into the pillows.

I smacked again. "I don't care! I hate that song and you've been singing it all damn morning!" 

"Alexis, get off Tristan." Liz said from the kitchen. "You've abused him enough the last couple of days." I heard her laugh a little.

I moved in on Thursday. Two days after the attack. Elizabeth worked her persuasive magic on my parents on Wednesday night. I was there, and found that she made a very good argument. My parents were staring at her with stars in their eyes while I just rolled mine and sat there. 
She said I'd be moving into their house because there are things that are threatening "Their Daughter" that could have an effect on them. In other words, "Give your troublesome daughter to us so you have less of a handful."

At first my mother disagreed with the idea of me moving out for a while, but with a little more of Elizabeth's charming demeanour and they both basically packed my bags for me. 
Five to be exact. Three filled with half my wardrobe and the other two were filled with make-up, toiletries and electronics. 

I'm going back home next week to see my brother off which is okay. He'd be back for Christmas anyway.

Next was school.

After the attack, the school was on the news regarding the smashed up gym and destroyed hallways. I didn't realize how much damage we'd done until I saw it on TV. The gym wooden glazed floors were dented and pulled up in one spot from where the demon slammed me into the ground, the lockers were dented from where Cam smashed him into them, the hallways were filled with broken glass from when the lights burst, and last, but not least, when I threw a ball of fire at the wall it burnt a hole right through it.
Singed black and everything.

After watching that, Elizabeth and I went up to the school with my mother to get me out for a while. I'd agreed to come back up for my early entry exam but that's it. I could study in my own time.

And then there were room arrangements.

I'm in the opposite hall to Gabriel.

Tristan, the asshole, told Liz it'd be better to keep us separate so we don't get up to any, and I quote, "Naughty business".

So now I have a very large nice room with a king sized double bed, cream walls, a desk, a walk in wardrobe and an en-suite bathroom. Except my room is opposite Tristan's! And Thursday night when Gabe tried to sneak into my room I could hear Tristan football tackling him and telling him to go back to his room. 

I tried last night and unluckily got caught because he was coming out of the bathroom. I could hear his thoughts but they were only incoherent mumbles.

I really needed to work on hearing thoughts.

Tonight, I was going to try a different way... I hope it's not raining. I almost caught a cold on Wednesday. Thank my Nephilim genes though. I do heal quickly.

"He's been singing it all day." I said to Liz. I knew she could hear me. That's one of the things I loved about Angels: enhanced hearing! 

"Turn the TV on. That should shut him up." She mumbled in her head. Sometimes hearing peoples thoughts came in handy.

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