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An Unfortunate Ending....

But a New Beginning.

"Our class of 2011 valedictorian, Alexis Gardiner."

Everyone in the crowd clapped and a few cheered. I stepped up to the podium and fixed the cap on my head. "Thank you everyone."

I smiled down at my friends in various rows and my parents not far behind. 

"Congratulations! Ten months ago we started our senior year. And now we've finally made it through high school; through the worst years of our lives. Today is the beginning of the rest of our lives."

I touched the gold sash attached to my dark blue gown. 

"We're moving onto new things now. Some moving onto colleges with scholarships, some moving with the best grades they've achieved and some barely scraping the barrel. But the best thing is we've made it through high school! All of you are going onto better things. Some made it through with some scratches and bruises, some untouched. Me? Unfortunately, I made it through kicked, punched and slapped."

There were a few chuckles in the crowd of students, teachers and parents. "I'd stopped going to school for about a month, rejoined and still managed to become an Honours Student."

"Wooo!" Brian yelled.

My brain capacity was better than I thought it could ever be. I'd realised I could access my whole brain instead of the 10% most humans could.

I laughed a little. "In December 2010 my life and others around me had been altered. The school had lost a wonderful student and I'd lost a friend. It was true a lot of you knew that Kimberly Winters and I didn't get along but in the end..." I looked down at my feet briefly. "In the end none of that mattered."

I glanced to the back of the large gym at Bonnie. She and Maryanne waited at the back of the gym for me. Although Mary and I have never got along we have put aside out differences for the time being.

"But she's lovingly remembered in this world and that's what we can ask for." 
The crowd clapped and I resumed after they quietened down. "During the past six months, I haven't been my usual self. But I've managed to stick to my school work and graduate. And everyone in this hall that has had their ups and downs has managed to put it aside long enough to get here. What I am trying to say is life dishes out the unexpected..." I looked at my friends for the last time and held back the tears. 

Jay looked like he was about to cry too. After returning him home I had offered to erase his memory of everything that had happened. He'd refused. He said what happened that night had been the best thing that could have ever happened oddly enough. So now Jay and I have no secrets. He continues to know about the existence of Angels and Demons and lives as if it's an everyday thing.

So he knew what was happening after this ceremony.

I glanced at my family.

Although they believe I will be going off to college... I won't be.

I smiled at the students. "And when they dish it out just be ready with your knife and fork. Class of 2011, all I have left to say is this is only the beginning."

My group of friends stood up and clapped. Everyone else joined them. The principle came over and shook my hand.

Everyone went up in alphabetical order and received their diplomas. After the F's I was the fifth person up in the G's. My parents clapped and stood up, dad had a camera in hand.

Everyone gathered at the back of the gym for a graduation photo and finally, after three, everyone threw their caps in the air. I moved through the crowd of happy kids and families toward my own.

"I'm so proud of you honey," My mother said with a hug. 

I moved on to my brother who messed up my hair and passed me onto my dad. "Good job sweetheart. Now let's celebrate! Let's go out to dinner. We have dinner reservations at your favourite place."

I smiled at my family one last time. "I'll meet you at the restaurant. I need to do a few things."

They nodded and said their goodbyes. What they didn't know was that this was the last time I'd see them. I'd set up a scenario in their minds. They weren't going to the restaurant, they were going home. Tomorrow morning they will wake up to find a note from me explaining that I have left but I will keep in contact. I didn't want them knowing about what I am. I wouldn't break the illusion for them. I refused to.

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