24: Family History

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"Alexis-" My mom started.
"No." I answered before she could even say it.
She sighed and walked into my bedroom. "You can't stay off school again. And plus its Gabriel birthday today. I'm sure he wouldn't be happy that you missed it."
"I'm sure he'll live." I buried my face in my pillow.
My mother's hand suddenly landed on my head. "What's wrong with you? Tracey's called three times, Megan left a message saying... Oh yes, get your ass back to school."
I had to chuckle. Of course she did. 

"And Gabriel's brother is asking whether you're still alive." She frowned. "I told him you've been in your room for the past two days. He's a lovely young man isn't he?"
I laughed. "Yeah, he's a real charmer."
I locked my window.

I don't know if any of them had tried coming in, but at the moment I didn't really care.
I couldn't face either of them.
Gabriel has tried calling and texting me but I haven't replied or even picked up once. I promised myself I wouldn't presume or judge him on anything but I couldn't help it.

The only way I could get everything straight was to talk to him.
But I couldn't. I don't have the guts.
Unfortunately though, the party is at his house tomorrow and either way I was going to have to face one of his family members or him.
I was dreading it.
"Sweetie, is there something you're avoiding?" My mother asked worriedly..
I turned over and faced her. "No. Not really." I lied.
Her frown deepened. "You can always talk to me, Alex." She kissed my cheek. "Well, I gotta get to work. Theo and Sheryl are still asleep and Anthony has already gone to work." She stood up. "I love you sweetheart."
"Love you too." She walked out with a small smile.
I sighed and shut my eyes.
I thought about the angel I met in the library. I shuddered. It's so weird to say angel.
I thought about what she said. I thought about the change I was apparently supposed to endure. What was the change? I know I only found out about it a couple of weeks ago but I was freaking out.
My mind wandered to something else she said...
Does everyone honestly know about how I feel about Gabriel? Or... Does everyone know how he feels about me?
I shook my head and walked into the bathroom. I really wanted to tell Gabriel how I felt but... I already told him I wanted to be friends. If I do tell him, it might ruin our friendship.

Or am I just afraid?
I turned on the shower and waited for the water to heat up. I know how I feel about Gabe and I know it is unbelievably strong. I paused as I stepped into the shower. 

The way I felt about him was... Weird. 

I couldn't describe the feeling.
But I knew I hadn't felt anything like it before. Not with Leon Chandler, the quarter-back from the school's football team I fooled around with, not with Tommy the Rapist even before he tried it on with me.
I stood in the shower and groaned as a thought suddenly hit me. I tried my best to push it to the back of my head.
I didn't even want to consider the fact that I could be falling in love with him.
'1831 Fayetteville and Raleigh Fires.
"FAYETTEVILLE IS NO MORE!" Thus began an account of the fire that swept through Fayetteville and utterly destroyed it in May 1831. But that conflagration was not the only major fire that spring in North Carolina. Three weeks later another devastating blaze hit Raleigh, one that almost changed the course of North Carolina history..."
"What are you reading?"
I looked up at Aunt Sheryl and smiled. "Oh, just North Carolina's History. You know the big fire."
She smiled and sat next to me on the couch. "Ah yeah. I remember when your granddaddy taught me and Theo about it. Your great-great granddad was around three or four but your great-great-great granddad was Mayor of Fayetteville." She grabbed the book from me and turned the page over. "There he is."
Sure enough, there was a large A4 sized black and white faded photo of Harold Gardiner, Mayor of Fayetteville. He looked just like my dad.

The Mark of a Fallen AngelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora