42: The Old Ones

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Gabriel led me down a narrow hallway all the while examining all of the photos on the walls. The paintings on the walls resembled people from the 19th century all dressed in formal attire with straight faces. 

The wine red carpet was soft under my feet as someone obviously forgot to pack me any shoes or socks.

I stopped at one of the paintings.

Brooke was in one...

Along with me...

Brooke's hair was a flowing bright red. Her eyes were emotionless and neutral. She was stood up with her hand on my shoulder while I was sat down on a single chair. 

My face looked neutral as well but I could see through it. I looked pissed. Not angry but pissed. My eyes were burning and there was something in the way I was sitting.

Gabriel stopped next to me and sighed up at the picture. "You were very reluctant to have this picture painted."

I shifted my feet. "I hate having my picture taken."

He chuckled. "I know. That's why you didn't want this painted." He held my hand in his. "This was painted in the 1800's before I was told to leave. We basically had to pin you down."

"I remember." I murmured as the memory of sitting for this painting clouded my vision. 


We both turned to look at Brooke who was standing next to two large doors. "Come in."
I walked over to the side and looked around the door. The room was square and resembled a small library. The books covered most of the walls except the one in front of me. The fireplace was lit. I sighed pleasantly at the warmth and energy radiating from it. The feel of it even at this proximity made me feel stronger. Made me feel rejuvenated. 

A man and woman with the exact same hair colour as Brooke stood up from the couch that was located in front of the fireplace. Their dress code was simple and yet there was something elegant about it. Energy radiated off the both of them like they were a waterfall... There was so much. It was so strong.

When I got closer to them I started to slow. They smiled at me at the exact same time that it crept me out a little at how timeless it was. Their faces resembled each others so much that I started to wonder whether they were related.

The man suddenly frowned and as if on cue, the woman looked to him and said, "I can feel it too. Her aura is... Different." Her voice sounded young and innocent and yet she looked just beyond her twenties.

Brooke stood next to me. "Their relation runs so deep, they can communicate without even having to read minds or speak. They can just feel each other without having to actually touch."

The woman smiled. "I suppose my brother and I are so used to not speaking that it's embedded into our everyday routine." Her brightly lit blue eyes landed on me as she started walking forward, her brother following just behind. "You're a very special soul."

"So I've been told," I muttered.

She laughed and her brother smiled. 

"How does it feel?" She said as she picked my marked hand up and rubbed it between her own. The brother was watching our exchange carefully with a blank face.

"How does what feel?" I asked.

"To know that you'll be making one of the most important decisions this world has ever known very soon."

I took a deep breath. "Odd." I replied truthfully.

She dropped my hand carefully and walked around me. My back twitched the slightest as she made her way back around the front. Her hand was as light as a feather as it skimmed the back of my t-shirt. 

"You're growing..."

I nodded slowly. "It was-"


I turned to the brother who hadn't spoken at all during this exchange. His voice was a soft touch that sounded even Purer than his sister's voice.

"I find it rude that you haven't introduced us, sister." He said with a smile. "My name is Ezekiel; and my sister, Aira. Our names are Enochian just like yours, Lonsa."

"We're very old souls, Lonny." Aira said. "Do you have any questions? We will answer if we can."

I thought for a moment before I asked, "How can I be influenced?"

Ezekiel answered: "Being influenced is an easy and yet dangerous thing in your case. It is neither in mine nor anyone else's place to change your mind. But demon's will do everything in their power to change your mind."

"Why?" I asked. "So, if I hear something over and over again I will soon start to think that that is the truth?"

"I suppose," Ezekiel replied. "That is one good example."

I nodded and sat on the arm of the couch. "What about fire? When can I make it? I mean..." I used the strength I had left to manipulate the flame and let it dance across my arm. Ezekiel watched in amazement and Aira smiled. "I can manipulate it but why can't I produce it?"

"You're not strong enough. You're half human. You need to remember you're not invincible." She said as I closed my hand to put out the fire. She walked off to the side and picked up a bottle off a table. "Are you feeling uncomfortable? Any pain?"

I rolled my shoulders and felt the bones in my back moving on their own accord. "Yeah."

She put the bottle back down and picked up a different one. This one was slightly smaller but the colour of it was quite appealing. It was a dark red liquid that sloshed against the sides of the bottle.

"My sister has the power over medicines. You see how Tristan is a healer physically; my sister is a healer internally. Aira's healing takes time but it comes out with the best results."

She held out the bottle and smiled. "Take a shot of this twice a day. If you run out please don't hesitate to come along. Of course, my brother wouldn't mind running out to give you one." She looked at her brother as if he were her world.

"Of course. I'd be happy to help." He smiled and wrapped his arm around her.

"Do you have anymore questions?" Aira smiled at her brother and then at me. 

I'd probably think up a world of questions later on. But I didn't have the strength to do it right now. I needed to sleep. "No. Not right now."

They nodded. "Okay."

"We'll be leaving now." Brooke said to them with a warm smile. "It was nice seeing you two again."

They beamed at Brooke and started leading us through the halls. I slipped my hand in Gabriel's and squeezed. Gabriel's lips touched the side of my head as we walked down a large stair case. 

An obviously young angel walked forward from around the corner with a smile. "Aira? Who are these angels...? And half human?" He asked with an interested smile. His hair was as white as fresh paper and his eyes were a bright pale blue.

Aira walked from her brother and wrapped her arms around the boy. "They're our friends." 

He stared at me with narrowed eyes. They weren't evil narrowed eyes, but intrigued new eyes that looked like they haven't seen the world. "She is special, right?" 

Ezekiel smiled at him and then me. "He was born only a few weeks ago."

I stared at the boy for a moment. "How does that work? He looks to be the age of sixteen."

Ezekiel chuckled. "He's a soul. Never human before this life. And they can control how they want to be born into this world."

I nodded and started for the front doors. "Thank you."

"Please don't be a stranger." They both said.

We walked outside into the cold night. I'd been asleep for the whole day... 

I heard the sound of flesh being ripped open but I didn't pay attention to it like I used to. I watched as both Brooke and Gabriel unfurled their wings. Brooke's wings were a gorgeous shining gold. They looked so clean and soft but I didn't ponder on it long. She flew off into the night giving me a huge slap of wind on the left side of my face.

Gabriel grabbed my waist and told me to hold on. I shut my eyes and let him fly us home.

After about twenty minutes of constant flying and a few specks of ice hitting my cheek, we finally landed in his garden. I walked into the house and past Elizabeth to Gabriel's bedroom. 

I collapsed on his bed and glanced at the spot where I basically bled half to death.

"Elizabeth cleaned it up earlier."

I looked up at Gabe. "I would have done it."

He lay next to me. "Liz couldn't ju­­st leave it there."

I sighed and held the bottle Aira gave me in front of us. "What do you think it is?"

"Alcohol?" Gabriel joked.

I smiled. "I'm not in pain right now so I can't find out."

He wrapped his arm around my waist and snuggled into my side. "Tell me if you're ever in pain... Please..."

I put the bottle down on the desk beside the bed and hugged Gabriel back. "I will." 
He pulled us closed and sighed. "Get some sleep... We both need it."


And then I fell into a, thankfully, dreamless sleep. I sure as hell couldn't handle a dream... Not now. I needed rest.

Because I knew for sure that something big was coming. And I had no idea how to stop it.


(edited: 2023)

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