16~ Secrets

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Dear Diary, I feel like I'm getting closer to finding out the Fields' secret. I'm 95% sure it has to do with me. I'll just have to endure going to school and hearing the gossip, because that'll give me the answer.

I still have my doubts, though. Am I being self-centered? Or am I just paranoid? Is that another thing my therapist will diagnose me with? I've never read my file, but I know for a fact that it's filled with 'issues' I have.

It's just so weird. Susan's constantly complaining to her husband about the congregation at their church 'judging' them, the boys don't let Harry tell me whatever he wants to tell me, everyone at school and their mother have been talking about me the past two days, Tommy's arguing more with Shirley... And it's like they're being extremely careful not to say anything around me. Like they're afraid I'll overhear something.

Well, sooner or later, I'll find out. I couldn't get anything out of Mildred, unfortunately. Thelma says she doesn't get into gossip, but no doubt she's heard something. Tony said the same thing.

If I can get Harry alone, maybe I can get something out of him. He's obviously dying to tell me whatever it is. Tommy's always calling him a blabbermouth.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Pausing from my writing, I looked down the hall to see who it was.

Harry seemed tense as he stormed to his bedroom and slammed the door. Speak of the devil. Was he alone? Where were the others?

I bit my lip. Now was my chance.

I put down my pen and turned off my lamp, quietly walking over to his door. I just hoped Tommy wasn't in there. I knocked.


"It's Diana."

"Go away."

"I just want to talk."

"I said, go away."

I sighed. "Harry, please. You know we need to talk about this."


I leaned on the door. As painful as it was to swallow my pride, I knew I had to do this. What I did was pretty scummy.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I did. I... I went too far."

He didn't respond.

"I'll tell everyone you got hacked. I'll admit I did it," I insisted. "And I know it won't do much, but it'll at least do something. I'm sorry, Harry."

After a long pause, the doorknob rattled. I stepped back as he opened the door. His face was stone-cold, but his eyes were red and teary. "What do you want?" he asked, venom ringing clear in his voice.

"I just want to talk," I said.

"There's nothing to talk about." He sniffled, rubbing his nose.

"You know there is. If Tommy's not here, this is the best time to talk about it. Please." I hated sounding desperate, but I was desperate. He was my only hope for an answer.

He massaged his forehead, his shoulders bunched up with tension. After a few moments, he blew out a huge sigh. "I can't believe I'm doing this," he muttered to himself. He jerked his head for me to come in. I eagerly obliged and he closed the door.

Looking around, I noticed lots of laundry recklessly thrown around the room. My nose wrinkled. "Didn't I just clean your room before school?"


I shook my head. "Seriously. There's a hamper right here." I picked up the dirty clothes and tossed them into the basket. Harry ignored me and stared blankly at his phone screen, lying on his bed.

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