42~ Every Day

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A/N: Text like -this- is actually 'crossed out', but Wattpad doesn't have that, so dashes are the alternative. Also, Mild WARNING: Contains some themes of self-harm and suicidal thoughts. Reader discretion is advised.


Dear Diary, my first day back at school was so fun! I made a couple new friends, and hung out with my old friends. It felt amazing being with them again. I feel so much happier now!

I'm so glad I decided to go back to school. I feel so hopeful. Everything will be just fine. I've never felt so hopeful in my life, honestly.

Ms. Howells asks me about my day every day. I'm so glad she cares. She really is a good person. I was just really ungrateful at first, I guess also depressed because I was locked in the house. But now that I'm in school, I'm able to appreciate her so much more. And Mr. Brian has been checking up on me. He still can't come over because of the new cases he has, but he texts me often. Ms. Bredlong and Ms. Juno have been coming over. Ms. Juno's super nice. I like her. -Ms. Bredlong is still a- I'm spending more time with the family, too. Susan and Davis are so kind. I saw Tommy and Harry at school, and they helped me a lot. I'm seeing Dr. Cawman on Friday.

There are so many people that care about me. -How can they- How could I not see that? Ms. Bredlong was right. I was making myself miserable and trying to drag others down with me. She told me that all those years ago, and I'll always remember.



Dear Diary, I had Chemistry class today. Alma's an amazing friend, but I wish I had that class just with Tony. He's so sweet and caring. I got really nervous while pouring a formula, so nervous that my hands were shaking! But he took my hands and guided me through. He's so amazing...

I'm not ready for a boyfriend yet, but I love dreaming about him. I'm so happy to have him in my life. He really is a great friend. He makes me happy. Almost makes me kind of guilty, knowing he cares so much. -After-

I also went back to the Book Club, which was nice. Thelma and Alma were there, and my new friend, Allison!



Dear Diary, ASL class was fun today. A few of the other students pulled a little prank, but it was funny. The teachers were overreacting, really. It was very funny! They tricked me into saying something... well, NSFW. But, hey, that's how you learn, right? I laughed and everything. The teachers worry way too much!



Dear Diary, P.E. wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Ivy was actually not that mean. She didn't talk to me or anything, but she wasn't mean to me like before. The ones who are still mean to me are her friends, but I don't care about them. P.E. was actually fun! I beat everyone in a race. I'm surprised I can still run so fast; I haven't run in a long while. I started jogging only just this week to train for the track team. Tryouts for the team are in three days! I have to work extra hard over the weekend if I want to get in! I can't wait!

The session with Dr. Cawman went well. She was a bit sus at first about me being so happy, but it really is a huge transformation! I feel like a whole new person with other people I love!

Also, I'm going out with my friends on Saturday, and Tony might bring his sister. I never realized how much I like kids. I guess after all I've been through, I have a soft spot. It's weird. You'd think I'd hate them, especially when they'd torture me in the past. Maybe I'm just weird like that. -I'll never understand- But kids are honestly precious, especially little Addie. I can't wait to see her! She's an absolute angel!

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