26~ Healing

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WARNING: This chapter contains themes of self-harm. If you don't want to read this, but would like to continue, skip to the bottom for a summary.

I didn't want to let the boys ruin my good mood today. So I pushed that creep, and Rick, and their other friends out of my mind, locking myself in my room.

Thanks to Tony, I decided to download FamiliarFaces now. I hadn't used it in years, but now that I had friends, maybe it was best. Most people at Summit High used it.

After putting in all my information, the app said: Enter your username. Do not use your full name or any sensitive information.

Hmm... what kind of username would be good? I remembered my old one from years ago, but it probably wasn't a good idea. I didn't want the ghosts of my past finding me.

I glanced at the sunflower bracelet I was wearing. Susan gave it to me before I started school.

I typed in 'Sunflower'.

Username taken.


Username taken.

It wasn't until the tenth try that the app suggested 'Sunflowergirl3482'. Okay, then.

Your account has been created!

One by one, I searched the group's usernames— which I'd written down on a napkin— and added them as friends. Reluctantly, I also added my foster brothers. There was no point in leaving them out.

A message suddenly came up from one of my new friends. I smiled excitedly and opened it. Blenderr (Kansas Tomali): Who is this?

I quickly texted back. Sunflowergirl3482 (Diana Watson): It's me, Diana. Thanks for the great time today!

Blenderr: Oh yea Tonys gf. Its np, it was fun

I blushed. Oh, I'm not his girlfriend, I said with a nervous laughter emoji.


No, we're just friends.

I thought u guys were together. Hes always talking about u

My stomach jumped. He does? I asked.

Yea I think he likes u. and from the way u guys seemed so close, I thought u were a couple. We all did.

Goosebumps erupted and my heart raced. I stopped. Was I having another panic attack? It didn't feel like one, though... it was like... I was excited.

I guess we're just really close, then, I responded.

Hes a good catch tho, Kansas said. U should try and see.

Has he said he has a girlfriend? I hesitantly wrote.

No i just assummed. Maybe u could b his gf for reel, she said with a laughter emoji.

I swallowed. Well, I'm not looking to date anyone just yet...

If ur leaving in 6 mo like u said, might as well

Wait... what was I thinking?! Being someone's girlfriend? No! I jumped off that ship long ago. How could I even consider trying it again?!

Another message popped up, covering my chat with Kansas. Wtfrulookingat (Kyra Harrison): Hi

My thumbs texted back excitedly. Hi! This is Diana.

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