33.1~ Review

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October 17th, 2023

I stepped into the foyer with Jack. Looking in the dining room, Tommy, Harry, and Diana were seated at the table, which was nicely set. Mom and Dad were in the kitchen.

Jack had canceled his work shift today, and I'd left my Spanish class early. I was eager to get this dinner over with and get back to school for my other course. We went up to our room to change into something more decent.

"This is gonna go well," Jack said as he also changed.

"We just have to not fight."

He scoffed.

"Jack, we don't have to act, or add anything extra, we just need some basic human decency. It's not that hard."

"I guess you're right." He buttoned up his shirt. "You think she'll ask any questions?"

"Probably basic stuff. Shouldn't be a problem."

"You think she knows about...?"

"I hope not."

"She's here!" Mom called. We rushed downstairs and sat at the table. The smell of lasagna filled the room, watering my mouth. I was starving.

Mom came out of the kitchen, untying her apron and giving it to Dad. The doorbell rang. She took a deep breath and went to the foyer. Diana suddenly exhaled, her face noticeably paler than usual. In fact, she looked like she was going to be sick.

"You good?" I asked.

She looked at me, raising a brow skeptically. "I guess."

"I was just asking."

Harry reached out and took her hand. She smiled, accepting his comfort. I pushed down the resentment and looked back as our guest entered.

The room instantly felt cold. A shiver ran down my spine as I took in the sight of a woman in her 50's, salt-and-pepper hair tied up into a tight, neat bun. She was dressed in a blue business-casual suit, which was perfectly pressed, not a wrinkle in sight. She held a clipboard in her arm.

Her eyes were of a warm golden brown, but her gaze was as cold and hard as a frozen lake. She was nothing like the first caseworker we met. I'd forgotten his name, but he was a lot friendlier when he came over for the house inspection, before Diana came.

"Boys, this is Janet Bredlong," Mom introduced her politely. "Ms. Bredlong, this is our family." She waved a hand towards us.

Diana stood and smiled sweetly. I would have believed it if I didn't know her. "It's nice to see you, Ms. Bredlong," she said.

She ignored her, her eyes slowly moving over us. My whole body was uncomfortably stiff. "Please, take a seat." Dad pulled out a chair for her.

She nodded at him and sat down, looking pointedly at Diana, who also sat. "It's nice to meet you," she said, her voice like iron. It didn't sound like she was that happy to be here.

"We made some dinner for you. I'll bring it out." Mom wrung her hands together, glancing at Dad as she went into the kitchen. Dad sat down stiffly.

"Mr. Field," Ms. Bredlong addressed Dad. His back went rigid and he smiled politely. "You've had Diana for 62 days, correct?" she asked him, holding up her clipboard. She took out a pen and clicked it, making Diana flinch.

"Uh- yes."

"How has the situation played out for you and your family?"

"It's been going well. Diana has been a great foster daughter," he answered.

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