44~ Rescue

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WARNING: Contains self-destructive themes and depictions of abuse. Reader discretion is advised. If you don't want to read this, but would like to continue, skip to the bottom for a summary.

"What's the matter with her?" a girl asked. Her face appeared and she waved a hand in front of my eyes. "Ghost girl? Hello?"

"Leave her alone. Right. Now."

"Bro, it's a joke, relax."

"She's overreacting."

"Hey, Thatcher, you got your girlfriend back!" I was dragged backwards, back into the men's locker room. I felt like a corpse, unable to control anything around me.

I was dropped on the floor. The cold tiles made my muscles twitch. I shrunk into a cocoon, my arms covering my head and my legs folding in. At least my legs were still covered.

"Lucas! Stop-" The girl's voice was drowned out by many voices, the noise getting louder and louder.

"Thatcher! We found your-" A groan followed, then a bang on the lockers near me. The sound made me flinch. The noise increased. Bangs and grunts and screams. I covered my ears and squeezed my eyes shut. I just wanted it all to stop.

I finally opened my eyes. Between the various silhouettes trapping me in, I saw a girl... a few years younger than me. She wore a shirt and a torn, wrinkled skirt, bruises and cuts all over her face and body. Her whitish-blond hair was a mess. She took a deep breath and screamed something, but I couldn't hear her. I could only read her lips.


"Diana, are you-" Hands touched me again.

I flinched, this time finding my voice, and shut my eyes again. I screamed at the top of my lungs. Curses and exclamations erupted around me. I continued screaming until I had no air left in my lungs.

"Diana! It's... i-it's okay. It's me, Roberta. It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you." I could hear someone else cursing and yelling, the volume frightening me.


"Rick, okay, calm down! Stop."

The blackness never faded away. I wasn't going to open my eyes. I didn't want to. I was too scared.

A pair of arms suddenly tucked under my back and knees and hoisted me up from the ground. I stayed in a cocoon as we moved forward. After a few moments, I was set down on the floor against the wall. Slowly, I opened my eyes as warm hands cupped my face. I could still hear my voice screaming in my ears, though I wasn't making a sound.

"... you okay? Can you hear me?"

My eyes focused on another familiar face. His hazel eyes were wide.

"R-Rick?" I said, my voice failing.

"You okay? Are you hurt?"

I moved my arms and unfolded my legs. They were stiff, trembling still, but I was regaining more control. I didn't feel any pain. "I... I don't think so." Water covered my face and chest, my bra wet. My eyes were stinging with tears.

"We should take her to the principal's office," said Roberta. She stood next to Rick.

"We should call the police. That was sick." Rick's voice had a venomous bite to it.

"Principal first."

I wasn't even sure what happened. They were... what were they even doing?

Looking down at my arm, I noticed the black marker written on my skin, covering my scars. I stared at the words. Only two words, but cruel ones. I shivered, realizing once again that I was in my bra. I quickly covered my chest from Rick.

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