30.2~ Exposed

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Mild trigger warning: Contains mentions of self-harm. Reader discretion is advised.

The minute my Rideshare car dropped me off, I bolted out and ran to the house. Tommy and Harry were probably in their room doing homework. I barreled upstairs like a bull. My anger had reached levels it hadn't reached in a long time.

On the way home, Shirley continued texting me on FamiliarFaces, calling me a 'selfish ingrate' for not accepting her help. According to her, if I refused help, 'no one would believe me' and I would just be labeled 'crazy'.

After blocking her, I was ready to beat Tommy up for spilling the beans. To her, of all people. I would've been less angry if Harry had blabbed it.

I barged inside the boys' room and wordlessly grabbed both of them by the collars. They exclaimed as they were yanked down to my height. I dragged them all the way down to the den, ignoring their protests. It was safer; their parents were too close to their room.

Once inside, I closed the door and gave Tommy a death glare. Both of them were staring at me confusedly, with wide eyes. "Let's talk," I said simply.

"Hello to you, too," Harry chuckled, but he stopped when I turned my glare on him.

"Sofa. Now." I pointed at the couch.

They stood stiffly, their gazes changing. They were still confused, but there was something indescribable in their eyes.


They broke out of their daze and went to sit. I moved the sofa chair so I could be facing them and plopped on the seat. "Both of you know about... these." I pulled my sleeves up and held up my newly bandaged arms. The first-aid kit was going to run out at this rate.

Both boys nodded.

"And you know this was a secret, right?"

They nodded again. Harry's eyes then shot wide. "I-I didn't say anything! I swear I kept my mouth shut!"

"I know, Harry." I smiled at him calmly. "You're good, don't worry." My smile disappeared when I spoke to Tommy. "But you..."

"Me? Diana, I haven't told anyone." He swallowed, giving his guilt away.

"Oh, really? Then can you explain why Shirley knew about these?" I held up my arms again.

"Why who what?" Harry's forehead was wrinkled with deep creases.

"Shirley?" Tommy asked, now confused.

"Yeah. You remember her, right? About my height. Short blond hair. Grumpy-looking. Sits on your lap all the time and demands you call her Shirl-bear and hand-feed her marshmallows. Your girlfriend."

Harry snickered, but was again silenced, this time by his brother's glare. "I know who you're talking about, Diana," Tommy said sarcastically.


"Well? I didn't tell her."

"Then how does she know? How does anyone know? I had a bunch of Post-Its on my locker making fun of... this! And she coincidentally appeared when I saw the notes and said I 'needed help'. Tell me how she did all that!"

"I don't know! Harry must've said-"

"What?! I didn't say anything!" Harry protested.

"You always say something!"

"Not this! And even if I did, I wouldn't have told Shirley!"

"I swear I didn't tell her!"

"Then who did?"

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