The Start

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"I guess you're more like your father than your mother" Athena giggled.

"Really?" Terra giggled

"Yes. But I guess you should be leaving soon." Athena sighed. Terra got up and started to walk off "Remember! Don't tell anyone I told you where the Alfea codex room is"

"Yes Ma'am" Terra smiled. Terra was quick to try to get back to Alfea on her new Specialist bike. Oliver wasn't going to get back from Aslon until the end of the day. "Have a good ride girly" Riven chuckled out. Terra giggled before placing her helmet over her head and driving away.

Bloom sighed slightly as she watched Stella try to pick an outfit. "Everything looks good on you Stella,"  Bloom said. "I know but Brandon has seen me in all these outfits!" Stella whimpered out as she sat next to Bloom. "Why don't we try picking out your outfits?"

"I'm fine. I already have my outfit"

"Alright, Alright" Stella huffed.

"I wonder what's going on with Terra" Bloom sighed with a hand on her chin. "She's probably really stressed now. She's a student at Alfea and Red Fountain" Stella shrugged.

"Mm, I know. I'm just worried she might put too much pressure on herself."

"I don't get it because she's in a school with the hottest person in Magix" Stella sighed sadly. Bloom jokingly rolled her eyes at the blonde before throwing a pink pillow at her. The two laughed before Terra walked in.

"We're giving Terra a makeover!" Stella shouted as she grabbed Terra's arm. "She's the second of us to get a boyfriend next to me and Brandan of course" Stella giggled as she flicked her hair out of her face. Stella grabbed a dark pink bottle along with a few more things in her closet.

"You've been spending a lot of time at Red Fountain. I think it's time for a makeover. Maybe lighten your hair. I've wanted to do this ever since I've laid eyes on your long, soft ugly pink hair"


"Your hair needs to be a softer pink. Then your blue beautiful eyes can shine like a moon" She giggled. Terra playfully rolled her eyes as Stella started to brush out her hair.

"So how are you and Oliver?" Bloom asked. "Good I guess" Terra shrugged and sighed. " We only called twice because he was doing Prince business and I had to catch up with the rest of the guys"

"That's sad" Stella sighed.

"Don't you worry about Nova?" Bloom asked. "The thought hasn't crossed my mind" Terra whimpered. That was the truth. Call her selfish but Terra was catching up with the specialist all throughout break she also had to review the new lesson plans so that she could also still go to Alfea.

Terra was worried about Nova. Nova was sneaky and (Pardon Terra's language) Selfish and a witch. She hated Nova and it's almost impossible to make Terra angry. But it was something about Nova that makes her blood boil.

"Sorry." Bloom chuckled shyly. "No. Don't worry."

"Brandon told me that Nova got cast out for laying. She went back to whatever hole she came from don't worry" Stella smirked. "Stella!" Terra shouted out.

"We were all thinking it" She shrugged in return. The girls laughed out. The time flew past their eyes and before the three girls knew it they were standing outside Alfea waiting for the boys. Terra and Oliver hadn't spoken about her joiningRed Fountain. From what it seemed he sounded happy for her but at the same time worried.

What guy wanted his girlfriend to fight in battles? He didn't even want to bear the idea of her getting hurt. But for the time being, he was just happy to see her again. Maybe a little too happy because when riding his bike to Alfea he almost caused Sky and the others to crash.

"Dude what was that!?" Riven shouted. "Happiness" He answered blankly as he dropped the helmet on the ground. He was fast to swipe her off her feet with a hug. "I missed you too Olie." Terra giggled with a hug in return.

"Brandon!" Stella shouted with open arms.

"Yes, we know his name, Stella. No need to repeat it" Tecna sighed. "Hey Timmy" She blushed shyly.

"Hey Sky" Bloom waved. "Hey Bloom" He smiled sweetly at the red-head before walking towards her. "Riven" Musa whispered as he looking around.

Terra shrieked out as her little purple bunny jumped out at her for a hug. "Oh, Lola I missed you! Did you have fun in Aslon!" Terra giggled put.

"Where's your bike?" He asked in a deep chuckle. Terra smiled before pointing at the same bike Professor Griffin gave Bloom and Sky. "Woah! Looks like your the Professors favorite" Brandon chuckled out. "I got it from Giffin as an apology. Bloom also got something too"

"Yeah, I didn't ask for much so it's not worth as much as Terra's bike"

"I'm in love with it" She giggled as they started to walk inside but both Flora and paused. "The trees feel...Worried" Flora mumble. "The air is unseating. And the waters are angry. Something's going to happen"

"It might be all in your head princess. Come on." Oliver smiled, wrapping an arm around the girl.

"We got a party to rock fairies" Riven laughed out patting Musa's head. "Love the new look" Oliver smirked.

"Really. Stella gave me a makeover" She giggled.

"You look stunning. On a different note. My parents want to meet you"



"See you tomorrow Terra" Oliver waved. "Bye!" She giggled as Lola jumped away from Kikio.

"This felt good. Just to chill without crazy witches coming after us" Musa sighed. "I agree, today was every delightful" Tecna smiled.

"Tecna you wouldn't know fun if it bit you in the butt, You played video games all throughout the party with Timmy"

"Other people have different ideas of fun Stella" Flora giggled.

"Yeah, yeah" Stella huffed.

Terra turned her head towards a dark-skinned girl that seemed to be walking as if she fell off a cliff. "Please. Help" She panted as Terra ran over right when she drops on her knees. "Can you tell me your name?" Musa asked. As soon as Terra lifted the girl up Stella was first to notice the little thing that came out her hood. "Ew! What is that!?" Stella shouted as Terra scooped the pixie up in her free hand.

"What is it Terra?" Bloom asked. "A Pixie"

"Who are you?" She asked. "Princess-Terra-I. I need- Help"

That was the last they heard until she passed out.

"Help? What can I help with?" She asked herself.

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