The Misterious Stone

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*Not edited*

It was around night. In one window you could see two shadows, the smaller one was catching after the bigger one while the other window had the other shadows do the same. "That's right, Bloom is about to kiss someone but it's not prince Sky and Terra is about to kiss someone who isn't prince Oliver" Said the blonde pixie.

"Wait" Someone cut in and all the little animals gasped. "And who are you?' The blonde asked. "Uh let me introduce myself, I'm the big-eared bear" Everyone gasped. "No big surprise there I'm sure but I'm so sorry I'm late. Have I missed much?" He asked. 

"Uh you can speak?" asked the pixie. The bear nodded it's head. "Hey what do you say we make room for the big guy huh?" Everyone was happy to moved until he sat at the front and blocked there way. "Now then, I'll tell the sorry from the top"

"There was a storm called hurricane Nimbus. It had unleased it's destructive fury over the whole of Alfea and the kingdom of Magix" 

"However the storm was merely the backdrop for the most mysterious event which was about to take place, something so strange even the fairies had no idea what to make of it. A huge stone, smooth and mysterious had appeared out of no wear"

Terra, Bloom, Stella, Aisha, Sky and Brandon had just come back from a dangerous mission so they had no clue about this stone. 

The ship circled around the Alfea tower and made a smooth landing. 

"Hey there here!" Flora smiled as the other ran towards the ship. The girls ran towards the other girls with smiles and hugs. Three pixie's bonded with the girls on the spot. Tecna and digit had met in a chat room a while back and were late on a face to face meeting. Tune and Musa bonded over there style and sense of music while Chatta wasted no time to talk to Flora. Locket had already bonded with Bloom and Amore and Stella had bonded as well. As for our to bakers wasted no time sharing recipes when Terra came too.

Sadly Oliver couldn't stay and had to go to his plant for a couple of days but would be back later that night. And since he didn't want Lola to be alone he took her. 


"First I would like to congratulate you on the success of your last mission and express my great relief at your safe return after a close examination of the evidence brought forth by Aisha and our tiny friends we must conclude that that our enemy is much stronger than we initially thought" She clapped her hands to close the curtains and then snapped her fingers as sparkles twirled around the girls and made a screen. 

"Watch closely" 

"Sixteen years ago the entire dimension of Magix was on the brink of destruction, a dark and evil power emerged from the void and this was the result" She said as she held out her hand to the three witches destroying everything. 

"But it was the three old witches  that destroyed Domino and made Terra's Kingdom disappear, isn't that what you told us?" Bloom asked. 

"Yes but in truth  they were just carrying out the orders of the shadow creature. The Old witches aren't strong enough to cast the type of spell to lock the strongest kingdom in this universe. In truth I have no idea who or what locked Terra's kingdom away. The shadow creature managed to recruit the help of those three old witches, today it has the support of the Trix! I'm afraid history's threatening to repeat it's self"

"Are you saying that the thing that did all this is the same one that kidnapped the Pixies?" Aisha asked.

"Considering Terra description of the monsters the spells that were cast and the transformations into a shadow Phoenix it could only be Lord Darker" She snapped her fingers as Terra sighed and sat down. 

"But why is he back? What could he be trying to achieve?" Tecna asked." The three witches were stopped by Griffin, Saladin and  myself, the lord of the templars and terra's parents before being trapped dealt with lord Darker they cast him back into the darkness and sent him into a deep slumber and I'm afraid The talk about Terra's upbringing may have woke him up" 

"That means Darker wants revenge!" Flora shouted. "Correct. He also wants all the power in the universe so as to be absolutely invincible" 

"Then why did he kidnap the pixies and didn't eliminate Terra the first chance he got" Musa asked. 

"Right Terra would be his biggest threat" Tecna nodded. "He was trying to find there village but why? And what does he plan on doing to Terra?"

"As far as Terra goes, both Saladin and I agreed to have Terra tested at Red Fountain. What's important now is to stay on guard his powers are strong enough to affect us no matter where we are"

"She's hiding something from us, she's never done that before" Tecna whispered to Stella. "So for now the Pixies will stay here at Alfea" Bloom and the others cheered.


Terra sighed as she sat up at the nurses office. "You seem to be fine. No spells casted nothing" Saladin lightly smiled. Terra nodded sadly with a sigh. "Is something wrong?" He asked. "There was a moment. When he had me. I only let him take me so Stella and the others could find each to her" 

"Right" he nodded. "But I felt like I was part of the place, like-" "The darkness was there" He nodded.

"Terra there's thing about your ability that nobody knows. The reason your ability is so strong is because you are both light and dark. But Light can not live without darkness and darkness can not live without light"

"I don't want to feel like that. When I got mad at Stella..."

"Did I ever tell you about how your parents first meet?" Saladin asked as he sat down next to her. "How is that rel-"

"Your father had Fire and water abilities and your mother had Earth and Air. She was blind but that made her a great fighter. She used the ground and living things around her to see-"

"Sounds like a show I watched as a kid" She shrugged. 

Saladin chuckled "Your father meet your mother at a dance. Your mother was so confident and your dad was... Slick. But one day at a dance, your father made a move on your mother which she didn't take the right way. She hated him. Until one day he fell for her. She was the only one that didn't like him. On a mission he saved her and from there she gave him a chance."

"Wait if my dad have Fire and Water and my mom had Fire and Earth how did I get Ice? and How is my Dragon-"

"That's only for you to find out" 

Saladin didn't tell the story to make a point but he did it to distract her. If and when she doubts herself she'll go down the wrong path. And he didn't need that right now.

The Lost Princess (Season Two)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin