The kidnapping of the Princess pt: 1

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I just got a new keyboard for my laptop soooo. Let's see how it goes.


There she was. Frozen. 'I'm meant to protect! Why can't I move? Why can't I move my body? Why did I yell at Stella? Was this my fault? If I wasn't the leader would've this happen?' She yelled at herself. 

Doing what Headmaster Saladin taught her, she took deep steady breaths. As she did she heard grunts and shouted coming from the area Aisha was. "Disgusting!" Aisha shouted. "Uh, this is gross!" She yelled out as she wiggled. 

Sky was the first to step into action to go down help her. Terra ran down the second she got her breathing under control. When Terra got down she noticed that Sky was pulling off the spit from the monster. "My wings! My wings!" Aisha shouted in pain. Terra helped pull off the spit but when it came off Aisha fell into Sky's arms. 

"It's okay know." He said. Aisha gave him a hug and it obviously made Bloom a bit jealous because she glared at them and turned to cross her arms with a huff. 

"Relax Bloom, I was just going to thank him," Aisha said. She stood up a bit and said "Thanks" Before Bloom came along "How are you feeling? You okay?" She asked as she grabbed her hand. "What about you Terra?" Sky asked. 


"Are you alright Ter?" Bloom asked. "Y-Yeah. I should be fine. What about you guys? " Terra asked as she touched her head. "I'm much better now" Aisha nodded. "We're not important right now. Stella and Brand-"

"I know. I was able to piece everything to place." 


"Brandon and Stella fell into the pit!" Bloom shouted as she ran to the edge of the cliff. "Where!" Terra asked as she runs next to Bloom and the other two followed behind.

"I can't fly," Aisha said as Terra sighed. Bloom grabbed onto Sky's hand and looked at him "I-I can't do it. I'm still too weak." Bloom said. 

"Aisha, do you think you can carry Sky down?" Terra asked. Aisha took a deep breath before jumping up and fluttering her wings in the air. She soon fell into Terra's arms and they both side. "Sorry, still can't fly" 

"Terra. We have to find a way down and quickly" Sky said as Terra nodded along. "I'll take care of it," Aisha said she created a pinkish purple orb that soon turned into a crane. "Sky you go down first, Bloom, and Aisha will follow" Terra sighed. 

"You're not coming?" Bloom asked. 

"I can't. You guys go find Stella and Brandon. I'll find my way to the pixies. From what Aisha has told us I can find my way" Terra said. 

"Then I'm coming to," Aisha said. "No Please. You know your way around. I also had Tecna print out a blueprint of what she could find out about this place. I know where most exits are. I should be fine" 

"Yes, Caption" Sky chuckled as he hopped on the crane. "Don't lose hope you three. We'll all be home before we know it" Terra smiled. Terra didn't know what she was thinking when she told them to leave, but in all honestly, she would distract the enemy so that Bloom and the others have a chance to find Stella and regroup. 

Now she wasn't stupid, She wasn't going to face them, but she would distract the tar monsters. Terra took a deep sigh before taking off her ring. "Terra magic Winx!" 


"Terra" Bloom gasped as she helped Aisha down from the crane. "What's wrong Bloom?" Sky asked as he looked down at the tar monster that was already out. "Terra, I don't think she's okay. I don't think she has been for a while now" Bloom sighed. 

"Maybe later we can convince the headmasters for a vacation" Sky chuckled. "I wish. With everything that happened with the Trix" Bloom sighed. "I heard. I'm so sorry that happened to you Bloom" Aisha sighed. "It's fine. I was selfish and I ignored Terra's feelings when she was the same as me" 

"You can't blame yourself for the past. Just be there in the future"


"How do you think Terra is?" Oliver asked. "Relax Loverboy. She's one of the strongest there, she's fine."

"I know. But she's been under so much stress lately! What if she gets kidnapped! Or worse what happens if the Trix's go after her again and turn her into Terra of distraction!" Oliver shouted from his room. There was a knock on the door as Oliver was pulling his hair from his head. 

"I heard you yelling Oliver" Saladin sighed. "Sorry" Oliver chuckled awkwardly. "No, no. It's alright, It's okay to be worried."

Oliver took a big sigh before sitting down on his bed. Oliver had just taken a shower. He only had his jeans and a towel around his neck. He threw it down on the bed and ran his hand through his hair. "I've been thinking. When she comes back she might want a gift or something" Headmaster Saladin teased. 

"Headmaster" Riven chuckled. "Right, Listen. Get to Alfea when you have the chance. Tecna believes something happened"

"To Terra?" He asked.

"At least pretend to care about our friends" Riven shook his head. "Fine. Are Brandon and Sk- No, Is Terra okay?" Oliver asked again. "Yes, I believe so. Tecna just needs to run over a few things. Miss Faragonda tells me Musa needs some help, Riven will you  help her out?" Meadhaster Saladin said as he walked away. "Huh?" Riven asked. 

"It's no secret Terra's little fairy friend has a thing for you" Oliver winked. "Shut up," Riven growled rolling his eyes. "Come on. Don't tell me you haven't thought about her as more than glaring at each other" 

"She's pretty I guess" he shrugged. "Don't tell me your not over Darcy"  Oliver then stuck out his tongue. "Darcy is crazy. At first, I liked her but then she did something to my head. Musa. She's pretty, talented."

"Oh! I see" Oliver hummed as he got up to grab a shirt. "You don't think you good enough huh?" Oliver asked. 

"Something like that sure."

"Do you feel that way about-"

"Terra? Yeah. It's worse now that my parents actually like her" He chuckled to himself. 


Riven and Oliver had already made it to Alfea. Oliver talking to Tecna and Riven walking down a path until he saw Musa. "What do you want?" She snapped. "Nothing" He responded. There was a clear worried face on Musa but she told him something he didn't believe. 

Musa had turned around to face him. "I'm not worried"

"No, but if I'd gone we'd be back already" 

Musa sighed before crying into Riven's chest. Riven wasn't sure what to do, hug her? Comfort her? But he chose to stand there awkwardly. Flora was just a few feet away sighing to herself. "It's amazing. They're so much alike" She looked upset. She started to walk along the school where Kiko was jumping along.  He tried making her laugh but nothing helped. Lola then pulled on her shoes and held out her arms. 

Flora sighed before picking her up and continued walking until Kiko wanted to be carried too."Are you two worried too?" Flora asked as she nuzzled her face into them. 

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