(Late) Valentine's day. On plot (Kinda)

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Candlelight dinners, Movie nights with snacks and cuddles seem like a perfect date. But night to Oliver. To him, the word "Romance" was never on his word list. His parents were never like that. No flowers, no dinners. He didn't think Valentine's day was any different from a normal day. 

Since Terra's new Confidence he didn't, she would care considering she's been a lot busier. So he didn't plan anything that was until the middle of the day Riven came in laughing with Musa by his side while Oliver was training "I'm glad you liked the list. Maybe another time I could give you more" He chuckled with a hand behind his neck. 

"I think I would like that" Musa giggling. A few seconds later she got a ring on her phone before she waves goodbye. 

"Look at mister smooth" Oliver chuckled. Riven's face deadpanned as he narrowed his eyes at his best friend. "I honestly thought you were with Terra considering you two are dating"

"Terra isn't into that stuff" Oliver chuckled. "Uh- Mus-" 

"Plus, She's busy, I don't think she would want me around anyway" 

"Dude. Musa told me how Terra couldn't wait for Valentine's day. She even told me, Terra couldn't wait because she wants to stop working so hard even for one day." Riven chuckled as Oliver's face went completely numb with emotion. 

Was today the day he lost his Princess? 

"Oh, man! Oh, man! Oh, man!" He shouted as he stumbled around to get to the shower room. Almost as fast as lighting, he dailled a number as you heard Riven chuckle in the background. 


"Maybe he'll surprise you" Stella shrugged as she twisted her lipstick tub. 

"Mm," She hummed to herself as she sighed and opened a test book. "Hey, maybe you could give the answers to the next quiz since your taking it" Stella smiled. "Stella-" 

"I know, I know" Stella sighed as she checked out her outfit in the mirror. "So where is Brandon taking you?" Terra asked as she chewed on her pencil. "First the mall and then dinner" She giggled. 

"Of course. After all your Stella" Terra giggled. "I might check on Aisha later" 

"Actually she's coming over to keep you from dying of boredom" Stella smiled as she held a peace sign and walked out. Terra sighed as she fell back onto her bed. 

'Did he forget? Did he plan anything? Is he sick? Is he in trouble!?' 

Aisha smiled as she opened the door and sat down on Terra's desk. "Trouble in paradise?" Aisha asked. Terra nodded as she got up. Aisha moved to the bed while Terra moved to her desk. 

"I wonder what he did last year on Valentine's day" Aisha smiled. "Probably with his ex-finance" Terra shrugged. "What did he do with Nova last year?!" She shouted as she grabbed her phone. Aisha waved her phone as she already had Nova's socials pulled up. 

"She uploads a lot," Aisha commented. Terra nodded as she looked over Aisha's shoulder. "Okay here" She smiled.

The two looked over the pictures she posted last Valentine's day. "He looks so said" Aisha stated. "Yeah. It looks like she forced him." Terra nodded. 

"Hey! I have an idea!" Terra shouted. "Why don't I do something for him!"

"Can I help!?" Aisha smiled. "Sure. Can you run out and buy these things for me?" Terra asked as she wrote down a few things. "I can get this. I'll be back" She smiled.  Terra closed her back and texted Oliver. 

'I'll text a location in two hours just be ready'

There was no text back for a few minutes until 'Sure'

Terra made sure to put on the prettiest dress and brushed out her hair. 


Terra sighed as she placed everything where it should've been. It was how she thought it would end up like. She loved it and hoped that Oliver would feel the same. She texted Oliver five minutes before she finished up. So when she placed the finishing touches he was here.

"Princess I-" 

"Wait I have a surprise" She smiled. "Uh- So do I" He smiled. "Me first" Terra smiled as she grabbed his hand and took him to to the dinner table that was outside. A small vase of Oliver's favorite flower was in the middle. Terra moved the plate's cover to revile Oliver's favorite food.

"Wow. Your amazing" Oliver gasped as he looked around. "Wait. So what were you going to say?" She asked with a soft smile. "I got you something. Actually, it's been passed down through my family. I wanted it to pass on to you, Plus I thought the color would beautiful with your eyes" He smiled. 

He was right, the shine in the ruby red brought out her gorgeous blue eyes. He adored her the moment he saw her. Never has he met a woman as gorgeous, strong welded, and amazing as her. 

The truth is he saw everything between Icy, Darcy, and Stormy at the dance. At the time she reminded him of himself when he first started fighting but he couldn't do anything to help. Some of the girls couldn't let him go. He saw she wanted to fight but couldn't. He became interested and wanted to get to know her. Now falling for her wasn't planned. He wasn't sure if it was due to his flirty nature or her well to protect her friends. 

But he fell too hard. 

"Thank you" She smiled while she kissed his cheek. "I'll never take it off" She giggled.  

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