Unique Celebration

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Next time they saw each other was at partners' meeting. Louis was babbling about the associates and Harvey was urged to leave the room as soon as possible. But when Soloff spoke about a current compensation formula, Harvey turned right back, looking pissed off. Blake heard about his weeks without a secretary and saw a group of women waiting in front of his office earlier that day, but was clueless about the Donna drama. She was so covered with work that she couldn't lift her head. After that argument with Soloff, Harvey left and she wasn't even listening to Louis' proposal about the men's bathroom.

They haven't seen each other in a few days, but then Jessica suggested to Blake to consult with Harvey on a case that was dragging for too long, saying to her that Harvey has a way to win even what apparently seemed an un-winning situation. After that conversation, Blake headed straight to Harvey's office. While she was approaching, she saw Jack Soloff leaving with a furious expression on his face. 

Then she saw Harvey standing – pale, sweaty with eyes closed. It seemed like he was having trouble to breathe. Blake felt scared and then she looked at Mike who was also confused and scared. 

 – "Call 911"– Blake said to Mike immediately, but Harvey raised his hand and waved to a no. – "Are you alright?"- she asked him softly putting her hand on his chest, supporting him not to drop on his knees because it seemed that he was about to. 

– "No" – Harvey replied heavily and somehow managed to sit down while Mike handed him a glass of water. Blake felt like she couldn't move. She stood right behind his armchair and Mike was kneeling beside Harvey, watching them simultaneously. 

 – "Is it true what you just said about his clients?" – Mike asked Harvey concernedly, referring to his earlier conversation with Soloff. 

– "No, which is why I need you to do anything you have to do to convince him this is happening." – Harvey spoke roughly and sternly. 

– "I'll get it done." – Mike replied seriously, but not after he exchanged few looks with Blake to make sure she was going to stay with Harvey, in case that he needs anything. Harvey nodded to Mike's reply and Blake took a seat on the vintage leather sofa. After about ten minutes Mike left and they shared silence while Harvey moved his empty glass from one hand to another, trying to breathe and calm down, Blake said – "Let me get you another one" – she stood up and picked up a glass, inadvertently rubbing her hand against his. She quickly filled up a glass and handed it to him, again taking the same position on the sofa. 

– "Thank you." – Harvey said roughly and croakily and then tried to clear his throat. She just closed her eyes for confirmation. It was a period of silence for another fifteen minutes when Harvey realized that he was not really pleased having her here in those moments of weakness. He didn't even know her. It was the mitigating circumstance that she hasn't asked any questions, but still, he preferred for other people to see him in a stage of power. Especially when it comes to a woman. 

– "Is there a reason that you are here?" – His words came out harshly and more sturdily than he attended to. It seemed that Blake chose to ignore the tone and she replied instantly.

 – "Yes. I came for a consult on this case." – She picked up a file that lied beside her. 

– "A consult?" – Harvey softened and lowered his voice. 

- "I can't find a solution and it's been driving me nuts. Another one awaits, I can't move forward." – Blake was sincere and spoke really quietly. She didn't want to upset Harvey at any level. 

– "Let me see." – Harvey held out his hand to take a folder from hers. She stood up as soon as she handed it to him and looked out the window. Suddenly she said 

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