The Brawling Episode

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Blake was dialing a number she knew by heart for a long time, red-faced and furious. On the other hand, she was holding a letter she opened and read a few minutes ago. 

– "How the fuck dare you?!" – She started yelling as soon as he answered the call. 

– "Let me explain." – It was Brawling on the other side of the line. 

– "Shut your mouth! I just have one question – Why? Why the hell?!" 

– "Do you really think it is my doing? Jules wants it. She wants proof of my love." 

– "Well, then she's screwed, isn't she?!" 

– "Blake" 

– "I thought we had an agreement. I thought we had respect for one another." 

– "You know that there's more than that." 

– "I don't care about your feelings. For all that I care, you can go and fuck yourself." 

– "This is not me." 

 -"It's going to be you. Across me and my attorney. You're going to be looking at me. And I'll do you a favor right now and tell you what are you going to see – me winning this shitty non-existing case!" 

She threw her cell phone and it ended up in the corner of her office. Then she dropped onto the floor. She felt tired as she was placing her head into her hands, just staying in that position. James called back right away, but she didn't move. After few minutes, the office phone rang and she heard Cece answering – Person Specter Litt, Blake Harlow's office, how can I help you? – Yes, sir, right away, please hold – Blake? I have James Brawling on line two, he says it's urgent. – Blake stood up and picked up a phone. 

– "Please meet me. Just to talk. To explain." – She sighed heavily. 

– "Please, Blake. This is me. Don't treat me as someone unknown." 

Brawling was an A type of a man. He was beyond confident, cocky, successful and she knew that he really loved her, even though he wasn't a fan of monogamy. He was a weak spot for a long time and she accepted to see him. 

She met with him at the classically styled Skylark in the southern vicinity of Times Square. He smiled and by his attitude, it was obvious that he was pleased she came to meet with him. 

– "What could you possibly ask from me?"- She said sharply. 

- "Just listen to what I have to say, please." 

– "I don't know if I'm able for that kind of crap." – He took her head between his palms 

–"Fuck it, you were my everything. And I screwed it up. Because I wouldn't leave it all behind when I've built it through blood and pain. You always understood that. Because you were always stronger, more evolved, more determined, and brave. I was a coward and now, here's my punishment. Getting to look at you only from a distance while my chest cracks open of feeling guilty that I didn't fight for you. That I lost you. That I'm going to be in love with you until the day I die, but I can't do anything about it." 

He finally pulled out a chair for her to sit and then placed another one for him to sit down, closer to her. He lifted his finger to call for a waiter and took a pack of cigarettes out the inside of the hidden pocket. He rubbed his eyes as soon as he removed the sunglasses, leaving his fingers to press the root of his nose and eyeballs long enough to show that he's been under stress. 

– "I wasn't brave enough to capture it. If I had known how to contemplate the agony of your absence... Blake, you are streaming into my heart, you are blazing into my blood system. I wake up every morning with a thought of you. I lay every night, eyes closed, remembering your smile, on my pillow... Fuck!" 

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