The Dance

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Harvey was heading to his office, pissed off. He gave Donna a sharp look as he stopped by her desk. He was clenching his jaw and raise his eyebrow. Donna was typing. As she noticed a presence, she looked up. Her face lightens up for about to turn to a smile, but Harvey's expression discouraged it almost immediately. Her eyes dropped to a worried expression. She thought he must've heard about a lawsuit against Louis by a former associate she helped to get fired. And it was all happening in Jessica's absence. 

– "If you need me to get..." – She started without greeting him because she knew he hated it when he was in this kind of mood. 

– "What I need is for you to tell me what the hell you were doing in Blake's office two times for about half an hour first and forty minutes second time?" 

– "What? I thought this was about Louis being sued." 

– "Louis being sued it's what got me to see you paid her visits. Karl down there is going through camera records for investigation and I saw you entering her office, once before she left for Chicago and other the day she came back." 

– "Harvey, I don't understand why are you so mad about?" 

– "We'll continue this conversation in my office." – He said as he noticed people started to pay attention to them. She followed him into the office. 

– "Two nights ago, Blake told me that she needs some time. To figure things out." 

– "Okay?" – Donna was confused. 

– "Right after she told me that she was in love with me." 

– "And you think it was because of me?" 

– "I don't know Donna, was it?" 

– "How can you even think that?" 

– "I can, Donna, because in our past, somehow... Somehow you always were a reason to twist the things." 

– "I think that you're out of the line, Harvey. How dare you?" 

– "How dare I? Let's see. You've helped me with Scottie, then when it got rough, you said something to her to make her go away. And then you told me that she doesn't get me and that I could never trust her." 

– "You banished her to London!" – Donna raised her voice. 

– "And there was Zoe, who saw Louis interrogated you about loving me and you..." 

– "Stop right there! You are so arrogant that you don't deserve what I'm about to tell you! But I am telling you because I care about you. You were the one not making it work. You were the one with trust issues. You didn't fight for Zoe, you wouldn't go after her. And after banishing Scottie, I led you back to her again. I was trying to help you, Harvey. As I was trying to help you with Blake. This is not on me! And maybe you don't see it, because your ego is hurt, you wanted her right away and she pulled out. Maybe she does need time. You need to learn to give people what they need from time to time, even if it's not something that you want. That's how a relationship works. Putting another person's needs before yours sometimes is required." – Mike interrupted the conversation. 

– "Harvey, you're needed. Louis' deposition is about to start." – Harvey headed to the exit, leaving Donna with tears in her eyes.

She waited for him in his office. – "Is there something that I missed today?" 

– "Except that you haven't apologized for the way you treated me?" 

– "Donna" 

– "Don't Donna-me. Do you still think those things that you said to me earlier?" 

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