Bumps & Holes

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Louis found Donna at his office with his dictaphone in her hands and she gave him a serious speech about recording Harvey and Blake in the bathroom and told him that if he plays it for partners, she will no longer be working for him. It ended with Louis trying to stop voting and asking Jessica to cancel the vote. Jessica wouldn't even consider it after the circus they all made.

A partners' meeting is held to vote on Harvey's suspension, and after Harvey makes a speech offering to reduce his compensation after all, no matter what the outcome of the vote, he is not suspended, though the vote is close. Louis didn't want to express his opinion, saying just 

– "Let's just get this over with." – But Jack Soloff slips another item onto the meeting agenda and casually suggests that Hardman re-join the firm. 

– "There is no way Daniel Hardman is setting foot in this office." 

– "Of course, you'd think that because that would mean more money for the rest of us." 

– "Are you kidding me? I just showed everyone here I don't care about the money." 

– "You just showed us that you'll do anything to get out of a suspension, including bribing the partners. You may have fooled half of us, the other half didn't buy it." 

– "That's enough." – Jessica interrupted. -"Daniel Hardman will not return under any circumstance." 

– "And of course, you back Harvey." 

– "This is not about Harvey. This is about this firm." 

– "It's clear that is always about Harvey and everything he does is fine with you. From hitting another partner, through office affair" – He glanced at Blake – "To turning down millions for this firm." 

– "You two-faced piece of shit." 

– "Why don't we let the partners decide?" 

- "I don't have to let the partners decide because this is my decision. And this goddamn meeting is adjourned."

Blake was stumbling up and down and across her office. She knew Jessica would pay her a visit as soon as she deals with Hardman. And right after Harvey went to see Dominic Barone, since they figured out that McKernan will be the first client that got Hardman's attention, Jessica showed up at her door. 

She entered, sat down, and showed Blake to sit also. They were silently looking at each other for quite some time. Then Blake broke the silence 

– "Jessica, all of this wasn't planned." 

– "I know. I understand. Once Harvey sets up his mind onto something, he gets it. But cut bullshitting yourself, you are his temporarily favorite new toy." 

– "It's not like that." 

– "Blake. Take it out of the firm. I won't tolerate it here. After hours do whatever the hell you want." – Blake nodded. 

– "I can't have Soloff looking down at you leading every other partner to do the same. I'll have Louis apologize to you for his assumptions at the next meeting and you will stay away from Harvey unless it's an emergency case or anything work-related. And if the two of you chose to prolong whatever is going on between you, do it secretly, away from everyone who ever stepped foot in this firm." – Jessica left.

Blake tried to keep her focus on work for the whole afternoon but found herself wandering through her mind and get lost from time to time. The sense of guilt she was experiencing made her stay at the office long after hours. Cece just waved her goodbye and left when Harvey made his way to her office. She looked up from a file to find him on the doorstep. 

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