The I-am-Donna Speech

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-"I never was too good at expressing my feelings to a woman." 

He was saying to her, lying beside her at his bed, hours after their intercourse. 

– "Every one of them had a certain expectation. And it wasn't because I didn't care, it felt like a blockage. It was the one that I couldn't trust, the other that left me unwillingly and still wanted me to fight for her even though she knew it was outrageous at a time... And Donna who never directly persuaded me but still left me to go work for Louis to get me to realize what she means in my life. And then there was you." – He paused. 

– "Not asking about anything or anyone, not demanding statements, surprised me on the way as you've built a place that was so right, I just fell into. And still, got my back every time. Got me to admire you, to feel the lust for you, to don't want to be without you." – Harvey sighed. 

– "And that proves that this is just the time." 

– "Okay, you proved your point. And kept your word to break clocks." 

– "What is a man if his actions don't follow up his words?" 

– "I know. You're that kind of man." 

– "I don't want to play hide and seek, Blake." 

– "Are you going to ask something from me?" 

– "Nothing you don't enjoy yourself doing." 

– "Nothing more than this?"

 – "Why would I want anything more than this?" 

– "You're not going to ask me how I got Mike off the hook or how I feel about you?" 

– "I know that I give you pleasure." 

– "And you know about Mike?" 

– "You don't need to explain yourself to me." – Harvey felt that she was pulling away and tried to stop it. 

– "I know you did it for all of us and the firm. And it was brilliant. Nothing I wouldn't do." 

– "And what if I told you that I did it because I didn't want to lose you?" 

– "It would make me feel that I owe you for a lifetime." – He spread her legs leaning down to her pelvis, started to kiss the interior of her vulva, and then she released a loud moan. He continued to lick it and then stuck his tongue deeper. 

– "Are you trying to make me scream?" – He looked up at her excitedly. She grabbed the sheets with both hands as soon as she felt his tongue twirling inside of her. It was his move to stop make her stop pulling away. He could feel that she got scared and tried to get away. And he knew it would happen again and if he really wants her to stay, he got to think of a strategy. He couldn't even assume how right he was.

As for the pro-bono case, in process of moving forward, Rachel has found a precedent for reopening the case that involves accusing Bailey's former lawyer, a woman named Georgina who has moved into corporate practice from criminal law, of having provided inadequate representation for Bailey, because she didn't introduce the alibi witness's testimony into the case 12 years ago. She informs Blake about it, which makes it, because the witness is dead, not. Blake "drops the hammer" on Georgina, convincing her to sign an affidavit saying she heard the alibi and didn't use it. 

A judge reopens the case, which means that a prosecutor starts trying to make deals with Blake to avoid a re-trial. Deals like seven more years for Bailey and then he can go free. Blake thinks Bailey should take the deal, but Rachel thinks they should fight, which she admits to Bailey when he presses her. Bailey also wants a chance to be proven innocent, because there's no point in living, according to him, if the world and his family think he's guilty. He accuses Blake of being heartless and uncaring, prompting her to prove she does care by reuniting Bailey with his teenage daughter. It led Blake to power her will to win this case for Bailey. 

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