Chapter 18:Tracking

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Remind me to stretch before we do that training thing again. I might not be that old, but I swear I almost threw out my back!

"I could use a nap after that" Gibbs whispered to me as he lead me back into the building.

"You and me both pal" I growled, lowly.

"Cheer up, Rogue that was only the first day" A familiar annoying voice stated from behind me. I glanced behind to see Cooper tagging along, but with an agent I hadn't seen before.

"Cooper, For one your legs are longer than mine" I stated, earning a slight chuckle. " And for two why aren't you with Officer David?" I asked, as we kept walking.

"I'm being re-assigned" he scoffed, with a smile. I stopped dead in my tracks, Gibbs hadn't noticed and kept on walking, until the leash tugged in his hand. He looked back and raised his eyebrow in confusion.

"What?! Where?!" I asked. Cooper halted as well, making the agent above him confused as well.

"Iraq, apparently my "long legs" as you say are needed in the desert" he laughed.

"And your okay with it? You could get hit by a missile out there"

"It's what I've always wanted. I'm living the dream, don't worry kid I won't miss you to much" Cooper joked.

"Oh hahah" I replied, sarcastically.

"Rogue come on" Gibbs stated, getting a bit annoyed with me. I rolled my eyes and sent him a dirty look, before glancing back at Cooper.

"Good luck"

"You to" Cooper smiled.

"Come boy" The agent commanded him. Cooper barked in response and followed the man down the hallway.

"Hello? Earth to Rogue" Gibbs spoke.

"Alright, Alright, I'm coming old man" I trotted to his side. Gibbs lead me to the elevator and back up to the bullpen.

"How was training?" Ziva asked as we walked passed her desk.

"Tiring" Gibbs replied, with a sigh. Once we reached his desk, he unclipped the leash from my collar allowing me to roam about freely. Gibbs sat down in his chair, while I decided to walk over to Tony's desk. Something smelled delicious and Tony was known for having snacks in his waste basket.

I dove my head into his garbage, like a raccoon searching for a savory meal. I tossed aside a few papers with my nose and finally found the item I was looking for.

"Oh ya Pizza!" I grinned, snatching the piece from the bin. Tony finally noticed my figure at his garbage can and swatted me away aimlessly. With my treat in hand, I picked my head up showing him my prize.

"Hey!" he yelled, his face furrowing.

"I'm sorry were you going to eat that?" I snickered, before trotting to the middle of the bullpen. In seconds I had the piece of pizza devoured, gaining a few chuckles from McGee and Ziva.

"Boss did you see that?" Tony asked, looking up to Gibbs in shock.

"See what? Dinnozzo" Gibbs replied looking up from his computer. Tony pointed to me his mouth gapping open.

"That, she- she just-" Tony stuttered, I glanced at Gibbs, innocently cocking to my head in confusion.

"I see you not doing your job" Gibbs cut off the stuttering agent. Tony closed his mouth and sent me a dirty look before going back to work. I trotted to Gibbs desk and laid down, as the team continued on. I was able to catch a short 30 min nap, before the sound of Gibb's phone ringing pulled me from my slumber.

Rogue (NCIS K-9)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora