Chapter 6: Old memories (Has been Revised)

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The ride to Rogue's mechanic shop was unbearable. We took two cars, one per two agents and dog. Tony road with Gibbs and I, Taking up my spot in the passenger seat. I sat in the back seat with my head out the window, watching the trees as they flew by. The wind felt great as it flustured through my fur. I glanced back at the car behind us, which included Mcgee, Ziva and Cooper. Cooper had his head out of the window to, but when he saw me look his way he shrunk back into the car.

What has gotten into him? We were just fine a few hours ago and now he's acting like I chewed up his favorite toy. Unless, I did something.. but what? I couldn't remember anything, I didn't even know what Rogue's mechanic shop had to do with the case we were on.

We finally came to the shop just outside of the DC area. It looked like a gas station connected to a mechanics shop. The place was deserted, with two broken down trucks outside, the place was boarded up and there was trash spilled everywhere. As far as I could tell there wasn't another building for miles. Gibbs opened my door, grabbed my leash and hooked it onto my collar. Instead of handing it over to Tony he held onto it himself. I guess he learned that it was a bad idea to trust Tony with me. I jumped out of the car and landed on the dusty ground. As soon as I sniffed the air, I knew something was off.

I knew this smell, the mixture of gas, oil and blood filled my nostrils and my head started to become dizzy. I growled and shook my head, trying to get the feeling out. Gibbs looked down at me and knelt beside me.

"Easy, easy" he said calmly as he ran his hand from my head down to my back. His touch was gentle and relaxing. I eased up a bit, but kept my guard on high, you never know what could happen around these parts. Behind us Ziva pulled up with McGee and climbed out of the car. She walked around to the side and let Cooper out.

"Ziva put a leash on him, I don't know what to expect when we go in" Gibbs said pointing to Cooper. Ziva obeyed and clipped the leash onto his collar.

"Mcgee, Ziva take the back. Dinozzo with me" Gibbs ordered. The agents snapped to attention and quickly followed his instructions. Gibbs led me over to the boarded up door and peered through an opening between the wooden planks. I took in a huge whiff of air and noticed a peculiar smell. Someone was In the building, right now. He glanced at Tony and nodded. Tony backed up a few steps and with all his force, kicked in the front door. I charged in pulling Gibbs with me.

The shop was a mess. Oil cans were lying everywhere and shelves that were once filled with items were now knocked over. The smell of blood was all over the place, but it wasn't human. It smelled of K-9's and cats. Cats were usually used as bait for training pups, I remembered my first kill was a cat.

"NCIS!" Gibbs called out. A loud crash came from the back of the shop. I growled and pulled on the leash. Gibbs held me back and spoke into his sleeve.

"Ziva, Mcgee move in" he ordered.

The back door of the station was kicked open and I could hear Cooper let out a vicious bark. Seconds later Mcgee appeared holding a gun to the backside of a man. He had an unshaven face sided with greasy hands. His white colored t-shirt was also covered in grease and he reeked of alcohol. Mcgee took the man pass us and outside. Gibbs followed with me trailing behind. Mcgee stopped at the cars and turned the man around to face Gibbs and I. He put his gun away and took his handcuffs out of his pocket. He forced the mans hands behind his back and cuffed him.

The strange man seemed familiar to me, but I couldn't quite remember him well. His eyes locked onto mine and he gave me a wicked smile.

"Bonjour, Rogue" he chuckled. Gibbs handed my lead to Tony and stepped forward into the man's face.

"How do you know Rogue?" Gibbs asked. The man looked at him and smiled.

"Who doesn't know the famous Rogue? Yes, she is quite the life of the party at my events" he replied.

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