Chapter 22: I told you

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(Rogues POV)

On the way back from the coffee shop, Hotchner received a call from Garcia. She had configured a map for the agents, allowing the team leaders to gather their teams and meet at an empty parking lot just two blocks from the intended location. Now placed upon Hotchners SUV, sat the map and its custom drawings showing entry ways and vantage points.

"I say we enter here" Morgan suggested pointing to the right side of the building upon the map. "Not only does this side have less windows, but they also won't be expecting us from that way" Morgan added.

"They already know we're coming" Gibbs stated, with a sigh.

"Umm... I have a suggestion as well....Boss" Tony spoke, slightly raising his hand in the air as a kid would in class. Gibbs nodded and moved to the side, allowing his Sr. Field agent to step in. "What if we enter from here?" Tony asked pointing to the backside of the building.

"To many windows" Morgan replied, shaking his head.

"Exactly" Tony smirked. Morgan raised his eyebrow confused, the wrinkles in his forehead adding to the effect. "Look, they know we're coming right?" Tony asked, glancing to Gibbs.

"Your point DiNozzo?" Gibbs asked, impatiently.

"They won't expect us to take the obvious way. If they know we're coming then they probably know what agency we're from. They know we aren't stupid enough to take this way. So I'm thinking-" Tony responded, before being cut off by Ziva.

"We take the back, because they won't expect it" Ziva stated. Tony turned, giving her a dirty look.

"I was getting to that" He spoke, annoyed.

"You were rambling" Ziva replied.

"That's a huge risk" Morgan stated, crossing his arms. The team stood for a moment of silence before Hotch finally spoke up.

"We have seven agents, and as far as we know their is only two guys" Hotch stated. "Let's take both ways, my team will take the left side of the building and yours Gibbs-" Hotchner looked toward the older man. "Can take your team around the back".

Gibbs glanced at me for the first time since we had stepped out of the car, as if asking what I thought. I cocked my head, and raised a paw placing it upon his leg.

"Ya, let's get this done" Gibbs replied, giving me a pat. I removed my leg and followed him to his car, where he opened the trunk and pulled out an NCIS K9 bullet proof vest. I glanced over to the SUV next to us and watched as Hotchner took out an FBI k9 vest for Dallas. Gibbs slipped the vest over my large body, covering my neck, stomach and sides.

"Lookin good, coworker" I heard Dallas call.

"In your dreams" I replied, jumping into the back of Gibb's car. We were off in less than two minutes, McGee rode in the passenger seat while Ziva and Tony took a different car. Hotchner's SUV was large enough to fit his entire team in their, plus Dallas of course.

Gibbs pulled up an alley just behind the building concealing his car. I watched as McGee and him fit small white things into their ears. Tony and Ziva pulled up right behind us, their bullet proof vest strapped tightly on, as they quietly climbed out of the car. Gibbs and McGee opened their doors slowly and stepped out, shutting them as quiet as possible. I was out on the ground ready to go, as soon as Gibbs opened my door.

"Ready?" Gibbs whispered to his team, as he shut the door I had jumped out of.

"All set" Tony replied. I watched Gibbs hand move to his hip and pull his SIG Hauer out. Immediately I went into guard mode, ready for anything he threw at me.

"Rogue, Side" he commanded, I flew to his side and stayed their like a Velcro piece as we headed to the back door of the building. He staggered to the left of the door holding it's knob with his free hand. "Hotchner, were in position" Gibbs spoke out loud. Hotchner must have replied because not 10 seconds later, Gibbs had opened the door and we were headed inside.

The place was definetly abandoned, the faint scent of detergent filled the air along with another musty smell. We stalked down the hallway, Gibbs in front with Tony and me. Ziva and McGee hung back checking each door we passed. We eventually found a door with a staircase behind it. It coiled both up and down to a lower level.

Gibbs pointed his gun up checking the staircase, then over the railing below. "McGee, Ziva check the lower levels. Tony with me" Gibbs ordered, beginning his ascend up the stairs. I watched as we separated from the others, I was worried for them. I wanted everyone to stay together, so I could keep them all safe, but it looks like that wasn't Gibbs plan.

"I hope you know what your doing" I whined quietly.

"It's alright girl" Tony hushed me, as he followed up the stairs behind me. We came to metal door, leading to another hallway with more rooms. Gibbs nodded for Tony to open the door as he stood to the side of it. Tony nodded in response and slowly opened the door. Gibbs pushed in immediately with me behind him, I glanced down the hall ears perked for any sign of someone.

Something was different about this level, that made my hair stand on the back of my neck. I was about to follow Gibbs to the right to clear some rooms, when I heard gun fire. I snapped my head to the left and started growling. The gunfire had also gained the attention of Tony and Gibbs, who were now headed towards the sound, at a running pace.

We barely got to the end of the hall when a man ran into view from another hall, he had a face mask just like the bad guys in the video with Morgan. I barked and snapped my jaws at him, but he paid me no attention continuing to run right past the hallway we were standing in. A few seconds later we all realized why.

Dallas was hot on the mans heel, growling and snapping his jaws. I whined, wanting to join the chase as we ran to the end of the hallway. We turned the corner, Dallas had run from and almost ran into Hotchner and Prentiss. Hotchner exchanged a nod with Gibbs before he commanded me.

"Rogue, Fetch" he smiled. I took off from the group and followed the scent of Dallas at a quick speed. I turned down another hall and watched Dallas chase the man to another door that lead to a staircase. The door heavy door was slowly closing, so I picked up my pace. The pads of my feet hitting the concrete floor with a thud. I slipped through the door just in time and descended the stairs three at a time.

I could hear Dallas snarling and growling as he kept up the chase. We followed the man past the first level and down to the last floor. The man slipped through a heavy metal door and closed it right on Dallas's face, just as I had caught up. The concrete floor was much more cold down here and as the adrenaline wore off, I realized where we were.

My breathing quickened as I backed away from the door, Dallas was standing at. He looked around and spotted a few boxes leading up to a broken window next to the door.

"Let's go!" He yelled.

"I-I" I whispered, as he climbed the boxes. Dallas glanced back at me confused.

"He's getting away!" He yelled, looking through the broken window.

"I can't!" I yelled back, with a whine. He raised his eyebrows, worriedly and jumped down from the boxes.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "Are you hit?" He questioned, walking around me.

"No, I can't be here. I- just go without me" I replied.

"Hey, we're a team coworker" he replied, nudging my side.

"I- I'm not ready for this" I whined, looking around the dark area, hoping the team would arrive soon.

"It's alright I'm right here. We'll do it together alright, Just follow me" Dallas spoke. I took in a deep breath and nodded, Dallas jumped back up the boxes and waited for me. I hesitated before following him, up the boxes and through the broken window. Straight into a dark furnace room, the only light? Red fluorescent's coming from the machines.

Here's your Easter 🎁
And a cliff hanger 😙

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