Chapter 3: Introduction (Has been Revised)

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I drifted off to the motion off the car, so it wasn't a surprise when I awoke to the sound of the back end opening. I stood up and watched as Vance stepped aside, his spot being replaced by another man. He had a leash in hand, ready to clip it onto my collar as soon as he opened the crate. Cooper stood tall by the directors side, watching as the man opened the door to my crate and reached his hand in. I gave a low growl, but it did not frighten him. He attatched the leash and took a step back, giving me space to jump out onto the cemented ground. Vance, turned and led the way with Cooper by his side, as we traveled into one of the many tall buildings surrounding us. I fought with the guy the whole way to wherever we were going. Stopping occasionaly or pulling ahead, trying anything to get him to let the leash go. But this man had a death grip on it, I was actually somewhat impressed.

We ended up taking an elevator up through a few floors. I had taken a few before, but I will never get quite used to the feeling of my stomach jumping when we stop.


The elevator opened, Cooper and Vance walked out first, followed by the struggling guy now trying to pull me out of the elevator. He gave a few tugs and whispered a few pleads. I almost felt sorry for him, not really. I laughed internally, before running out of the elevator, causing him to turn quickly and fall to the ground. He groaned slightly, before getting back to his feet. Earning a few glances from his cow-workers, I presume. We caught up with Vance standing in open area surrounded by four desks and agents working harshly. Vance cleared his throat, causing the agents to look up from their desks.

"Dinozzo, David, and Mcgee meet your new team mates" Vance announced. "They will be helping you from now on with your cases" he added.

"The hell they are" a voice spoke up, as a grey haired man came around the corner and headed to his desk.

"Gibbs this isn't an option. It's an order from Sec Nav" Vance replied, sternly.

A woman stood up and walked over to the tall standing Cooper. He looked like such and idiot, standing as if he owned the place. The other two men, looked at each other confused before, joining their teammate by her side.

"This is Cooper", Vance announced proudly. "He's a Great Dane and trained in various areas, mostly running down assailants ". Vance handed the leash to the woman, who took it without hesitation. The agents hadn't even noticed me until I let out a loud snarl. The two men jumped back as if they had just seen a ghost. Vance smirked and stepped aside, revealing me behind him.

"This is your other team member" He spoke. "She's a german shepherd mixed with a black wolf, they didn't give me a name so I'll leave that up to you, but she hasn't had any training. In fact she just came into the recruitment center a couple days ago. Apparently she was found wandering the streets. She will need training and soon, for now let her get acustomed to her surroundings and everything should work out just fine" Vance added.

The older gentleman narrowed his eyes at me, I could tell he wasn't pleased with any of this. I wasn't either so we had that in common. He slowly walked over to me, setting down a coffee he had in his hand, on his desk. I tried to lunge forward toward him, but the man held me back, tightly. He got down on one knee and held out his hand toward me. I lowered my head and let out a low growl. His blue eyes pierced through mine, as if seeing into my soul. I was taken aback a bit, There was something about him that radiated trust, maybe it was the drugs still wearing off. I reluctantly laid down, letting out another low growl. Staring at his hand I felt my body start to slowly relax. The man handed the gentlemen my lead a bit to quickly, he must have been dying to hand me over. Vance nodded at Gibbs and turned away, heading down the hall.

"Ziva, Cooper will stay with you tonight" Gibbs ordered, looking away from me to the woman.

"What about her?" One of the men asked as Gibbs stood up.

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