Chapter 25: Kicked off

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Most of the team had left besides the big three; Rossi, Hotch and Gibbs. They stood just outside the hospital room speaking about how to return to the case, While I sat beside Dallas questioning my loyalty to the team.

"What are you thinking?" Dallas asked, lifting his head up with a wince.

"Hmm?" I asked snapping out of my thoughts.

"Come on" he groaned. "Your face is practically screaming" Dallas chuckled.

"It is not" I argued.

"Mhm" he smirked. I chuckled a bit focusing my attention to my paws. "Tell me. What's troubling you darlin?" He pressed.

"Nothing" I replied with a fake smile.

"Rogue?" He questioned.

"Rogue don't move, his gun is trained on you" Dallas's voice echoed in my head. My breathing picked up as my mind took over. The blood, the screams, the whir of the machines.

"Rogue, Hey!" Dallas raised his voice. I snapped my head to him, quickly calming myself back down.

"I- I have to go" I stated, turning tail. Dallas tried to rise, but whined when he couldn't get up.

"Rogue please" he called. I stopped in my tracks, turning to look back at him. "Stay with me" he spoke.

"I have to get back to peanut" I responded, before heading out of the room. I spotted Gibbs down the hall with Hotchner and Rossi. They must've moved down there for privacy. I padded over to Gibbs quickly, taking a seat by his leg.

"Someone's ready to go" Rossi commented, smiling down at me.

"She probably misses her pup" Gibbs replied, clipping the leash in his hand onto my collar.

"She has puppies?" Hotchner asked.

"Only one" Gibbs replied. "A chihuahua we rescued from the fighting pits with her".

"Don't take this personally Agent Gibbs" Hotchner started, hesitantly. "But I think Rogue should sit this case out. Until, she's mentally ready. We can't risk losing another suspect".

Gibbs narrowed his eyes and I readied for the flames to come from Gibbs's ears. I waited and waited, but he only nodded in response. "I agree, she's not ready" Gibbs replied.


"I'll bring in another K9 from our unit to make up for the loss" Hotchner stated.

"I'll see you tomorrow at the office" Gibbs replied, turning from the two men.

"Wait what" I whined, still sitting.

"Come on girl let's go home" Gibbs spoke, tugging a bit on my leash. I slowly stood and followed behind Gibbs, my head hung low. Halfway down the hall I glanced back to be met with Hotch's icy eyes. He held his head high and proud, arms crossed over his suit.

I turned my attention forward once more leaving the hospital more hurt than Dallas's wounds. The drive home was quiet and uneventful. Gibbs passed a few glances to me, as rain started to paint the window shield. And I kept my glances to the trees and other cars that passed us by.

After awhile we finally pulled into the familiar driveway of home. All the lights were turned off inside, telling me that Abby still had Peanut with her. Gibbs shut the engine off, unlocking the doors with a sigh. The rain pelted harder now with thunder clapping above in the clouds.. The old man stepped out from his side, shutting the door and running over to my door.

Gibbs opened it, stepping to the side to let me jump out into the rain. Together we raced to the already unlocked house. Once inside, I shook the water from my fur, while Gibbs shook his silver hair. We looked like to wet rats, coming out from a flooded sewer drain.

"What do you say, hungry?" Gibbs asked heading toward the kitchen.

"Not really" I sighed walking to my bed. I flopped down taking in the scent of Peanut.

"Steak?" Gibbs called, as I heard the fridge door open. I huffed turning my head away from the kitchen to face the TV. "What about burgers?" He questioned again, closing the fridge. I heard the agents footsteps come to stand in the archway that's separated both rooms. "Not hungry? That's a first" he commented, heading to the couch.

Gibbs reached for the remote turning on an old cowboy black and white film. Sitting back he pulled out his knife and popped open the lid to the cold beer he had pulled from the fridge. We sat together watching the film, my eyes getting heavier and heavier by the second. That is until I heard a car pull into the driveway.

I picked my head up and looked to the door, waiting for whoever it was. Gibbs caught on to my actions rather quickly because he turned to look out of the large window behind him.

"It's just Abby" he stated, rising from the couch. As soon as he had set his beer down, Abby came bursting through the door. She was dressed down in black leggings, a black t-shirt, goth boots and her favorite umbrella. Not to mention the purse? Over her shoulder.

"Hey Gibbs!" She greeted, closing her umbrella. "Did you know it's practically pouring outside. Like I haven't seen this much rain since my aunt Berta passed away" Abby rambled.

"Did you find anything else on the case?" Gibbs asked walking over to the lab tech.

"No" she replied sadly, as Gibbs took the umbrella from her. The agent led Abby to the couch where she sat down still clutching the dog purse.

"Is Peanut in there?" Gibbs asked, pointing to the purse in her hand.

"Ya, he fell asleep on the way here and I didn't want to wake him up" Abby replied setting the purse on the couch.

"Ah" Gibbs replied leaning the umbrella against the wall. I stood from my bed and patted over to Abby.

"Hey cutie" Abby smiled, scratching behind my ears. I slowly moved my head away sniffing at the pink purse. Peanut was definitely inside the bag, I could hear his soft labored breathing. I nuzzled the bag, earning a slight movement from the occupant inside.

Peanut awoke with a groan, popping his head out of the top. He looked around taking in where he was. Once he realized I was sitting in front of him, his tail began to wag.

"Rogue" He spoke with a sleepy voice.

"Come on buddy" Abby giggled, as she plucked Peanut out of her gothic bag. Abby set the little pup on the floor, where he quickly retreated to our large bed. I let out a yawn and followed after him shortly. He let me lay down first and then snuggled into my side, where he instantly fell asleep again.

"Aww" Abby commented, watching us from the couch.

"Abby would you mind adding another dog to your babysitting list?" Gibbs asked, taking a swig of his beer.

"You mean Rogue?" Abby asked, looking to her boss confused. Gibbs set his beverage down on a coaster, before rubbing his temple.

"I was stupid to keep her in the field, I should've given her more time off" Gibbs started. Abby comforted her boss by placing a hand on his arm.

"It's not your fault Gibbs" Abby spoke softly. "I'll be happy to watch her for you" Abby smiled.

"But will she?" Gibbs whispered, glancing down at me. I huffed and turned my head away from them, closing my eyes to finally get some sleep after this horrible day.

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