Chapter 19: I'm sorry what?

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"Did you know your daughter was smoking weed?" Tony asked, as we walked back into the Cornel's study.

"What?" he asked, confused by Tony's statement. Tony held up the bag of weed, looking to Gibbs.

"Rogue found it in a shoe box underneath her bed, Boss" he stated. Gibbs walked forward and took the bag from DiNozzo.

"Who's her supplier?" Gibbs asked, turning to the Cornel.

"I didn't even know she was doing drugs" he confessed.

"Does she hang out with anyone you know who does?" Tony asked. The Cornel ran a hand through his short hair, trying to remember if he knew anyone. To me it's seemed a bit suspicious, the smell was so strong how could you miss it? But then again I was a 100 pound dog with a super keen nose.

"Boss I think we should head to her school see if any-" Tony started, but the Cornel cut him off.

"Wait! there is this one guy" he interrupted. "Danny I believe, I don't know his last name".

"He go to her school?" Gibbs asked.

"I believe so...yes" the Cornel replied.

"DiNozzo with me" Gibbs ordered as he started to walk out of the study. "Ziva, McGee keep searching" he added. I trotted right behind him, walking out the front door. Gibbs opened the front seat, allowing me to hop in.

"Boss I thought I was riding with?" Tony questioned, as he saw me sitting in the passenger seat.

"You are" Gibbs replied as he rounded the car. "In the back" he spoke, opening the door to get in the drivers seat.

"Right" Tony whispered, before getting in behind me.

"Chump" I snickered. Gibbs got the name of the school from McGee, as we pulled out of the driveway. This was looking to be a long day, as we headed down the road. I pawed at the window, to let Gibbs know I wanted it rolled down. He obliged and rolled the window down all the way, so I could stick my head out in the cold air.

"Boss, Kids name is Danny Mabrito he's studying as a Computer Analyst" Tony informed Gibbs as we neared the school.

"What class is he in right now?" Gibbs asked.

"He's not, their on lunch" Tony replied. We pulled up into the school parking lot, I gained a few looks, because I'm a cute fluffy puppy to these kids. Gibbs opened the door and let me out, not even bothering to put the leash on.

"Stay by me" he ordered. I stuck to his side as Tony and him began to walk the campus, looking around for the kid. Tony had a picture of him on his phone, held out before him as he searched the crowd of students.

"There's so many" he groaned.

"Ya" Gibbs agreed, squinting his eyes. I looked around the campus, having no idea who I was looking for. I only knew the smell of weed, so when I turned my head left and the breeze hit my nose just right I took off. "Stay!" Gibbs yelled, I remembered my training from earlier this morning and froze in my tracks. Even though my body was pumping with adrenaline, I stayed still until Gibbs was at my side.

He clipped the leash onto my collar and scratched my head. "Ok girl, search" he commanded. I pulled him behind me, heading straight for the scent. I lead him through two groups of campus two students, a hotdog stand, and between two buildings. Until we finally came to the back of the school, where a group of kids were smoking the substance.

"NCIS, everybody freeze!" Tony yelled, holding up his badge. The kids froze raising their hands up with the blunts. Tony held up his phone showing the picture of Danny Mabrito. "Seen this kid?" he asked, the frightened drug addicts. A few shook their heads, and Gibbs let out a large sigh. I kept my eyes peeled on the group and watched as one started to falter away.

He had kept his head down the entire time, so the agents never did identify him. I let out a loud bark, notifying Gibbs of the straggler. Gibbs followed my glance and finally noticed the kid.

"Danny Mabrito!" Gibbs called. That's when the kid broke into a run, heading straight for the woods that hugged the back of the school. Gibbs unclipped my leash and pointed to the running suspect.

"Fass" Gibbs commanded, a word I had learned earlier today as well. I took off, just as Danny entered the woods. He glanced back, seeing a dog on his tale made him run faster. I jumped over a fallen tree and chased him to a nearby running creek. Before he could jump, I leaped onto his back, grabbing the hood of his sweatshirt between my jaws.

Wrestling him to the ground I kept my grip.

"Get off me Mutt!" He yelled.

"Mutt?" I questioned. "I'll show you a mutt" I growled, I let his hood go and snapped my jaws near his face.

"Ok, ok my bad" he whimpered, in a girls tone.

"Rogue heal" Gibbs commanded, as he came over with Tony. I backed away from the kid, still keeping my eye on him.

"Thought you could outrun a Wolf huh?" Tony commented, as he turned Danny onto hit stomach. He handcuffed him, pulling him to his feet. Gibbs reached his hand down to my head and ruffled my ears.

"Atta girl" he praised.

On the way back to NCIS headquarters, I kept my eye on Danny in the back seat next to DiNozzo. Just waiting for the right movement, so I could snap my jaws around his neck.

"Hey, can you tell you K9 to stop looking at me that way?" Danny asked, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

"Afraid of dogs, Danny boy" Tony replied, with a sarcastic smirk. I lowered my head over the center console and licked my chops. Danny's eyes went wide at the sight of me licking my lips, he turned throwing his gaze to the window next to him.

"Ya that's what I thought" I growled lowly. We arrived back at NCIS headquarters, and brought Danny up to the bullpen.

"I'm gonna drop Rogue off to Abby" Gibbs informed Tony as we stepped off the elevator.

"Got it boss" Tony replied, before leading Danny toward the interrogation room. I followed Gibbs to the other side of the large office room, to the second elevator. We took it down to Abby's lab, and as soon as the doors opened the sound of Peanut howling along to music got both of our attention. I trotted into Abby's lab and raised my eyebrow at the sight before me.

Abby had dressed Peanut in what appeared to be a Mexican vest, topped with a sombrero. He was currently sitting on her desk by her computer, head high and eyes closed.

"Abby?" Gibbs asked, as he came in behind me. She didn't respond as she swayed her body back and forth to Peanuts howling. "Abby!" Gibbs yelled, she spun on her heels and finally noticed us standing there. Abby immediately, turned the music down, but peanut kept going. I let out a bark, causing him to snap his head down and open his eyes.

"Rogue!" he whined, moving across the desk. Abby sensed what he wanted and picked him up gently, setting him on the ground. He ran over to me and started to sniff my paws. "You smell weird" he commented.

"Thanks" I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Abby what's going on?" Gibbs asked.

"Sorry, I got bored so I decided to go all Beverly Hills Chihuahua on Peanut here" she replied, sheepishly. Gibbs sighed, and shook his head, not at all surprised by his forensic scientists actions.

"Tell me you got something for me" He stated, moving closer to her.

"Of course I do!" she exclaimed, turning to her computers she started typing vigorously. "So your guy, Danny Mabrito. Has got like numerous charges for drug possession, like numerous" she stated. "Right now he's out on parole".

"Not for long" Gibbs replied.

"Sucks for him. Anyway I searched through his bank records, but so far nothing too unusual. He has had several large checks come through and with being a college student, I'm pretty sure their not from work" Abby said. Gibbs nodded and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you" he whispered. "And I need you to watch Rogue for a bit!" he called, as he started walking out.

"Of course Gibbs!" Abby replied, a bit to excitedly.

"Oh please tell me we aren't playing dress up" I whined, taking a step back.

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