T W E N T Y - F I V E

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<If I could make you fall for me just by taking off my glasses, maybe Clyde should put on some- Aaden Foster>


TAKING HIS glasses off and those eyes away from mine and humming to himself, Jayden laid down on the left side of my bed, his gaze fixed on the door post.

Could it be possible he hadn't seen me yet? Yes, his eyes had met mine directly but they'd hadn't really focused on me, rather they'd been roving over the bathroom door and scanning every part of my room. So yes, it was possible.

Giving God the glory Jayden wasn't aware and quite sure he hadn't seen me, I opened the glass door quietly and tip-toed in. Since my bed was blessedly close to my bathroom door, I had a chance to grab my gown and be back in without him knowing.

Zeroing in on my black gown on the bed, I made my way towards it, carefully placing my wet foot right in front of the other to avoid slipping on the tiles.

I was almost there, it remained a step or two. Breathing gently so that Jayden would have the least indication I was around, I planted my right foot firmly on the ground and was about to take my last step when I slipped on the slippery tiles. The help all that careful stepping did me.

Knowing I was going to bash my head on the edge of the bed if I didn't do something immediately, I tried to propel myself forward so I'd fall on the bed. Falling on the bed was way better than hitting the hard floor.

Just then, almost as if it was on cue, Jayden rolled to the right and I fell on top of him.

At first, I didn't really notice he was under me, I was just glad he'd broken my fall. Then slowly, as my pulse rate spiked down now I wasn't going to die yet, I began to realize that I was quite plastered to a certain male's body. In. My. Underwear.

Humiliation threatening to swamp me in a flood tide of blushes, I promptly attempted standing up but it seemed our limbs were interlocked together. Worried and my heart beating rapidly in distress, I laid still again, tried to calm down but it wasn't working.

I was in bed, on top of my guy friend with slips of clothes called underwear covering me. If this wasn't the ultimate and total embarrassment to occur just right after my last mortifying episode, then, omo, assassins should just assassinate me right now. How did I ever think today was gonna end right?

With me lying directly on him, our bodies met---mine almost unclad while his was fully clothed. My breast which seemed to be spilling from those flimsy bra cups rubbed against his hard defined chest, strange but warm tingles swiftly flowing through my wildly pulsing body. Holding my waist tightly and stroking my naked skin in the process, his heart was also throbbing hard too. Maybe even faster than mine. Why? I had no idea.

His abdomen stayed glued to my bare tummy and an odd feeling shimmered in the bottom of my stomach. It didn't end there. In our agonizing but sweet position, I could also feel my pantie covered crotch resting firmly against his trousers fly and that was when I started blushing like crazy. Mad. If all these weird but exciting sensations were happening to me right now we were kinda clothed then imagine if we were truly naked. . . I flushed terribly, a flutter of butterflies invading my belly at the thought.

Just then, in the midst of all that sensational fire, my brown eyes met his smoky hazel eyes that held---desire? I wasn't certain. His pupils had dilated, letting more light through and enhancing the mesmerizing colour of his eyes. Bewitched, I stared at those conflicting colours, a swirling and startling mix of moss green and warm amber. Frack me, but his eyes were beautiful.

Strangely enough, I became aware of little puffs of breath towards the nape of my neck. Huh? Was Jayden sniffing at my neck and my recently washed hair? No, I flicked my hunch away, he couldn't be sniffing at me. And if he really was, I hope he thinks I'm smelling nice, after all I'd just had a bath.

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