T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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<I may look calm but in my head I've killed you three times>


THE SWEET scent of patchouli wafted to my nostrils, the tantalizing smell bringing me awake. Slowly prying my eyes open, I saw Jayden gazing at me with this weird but concerned expression. When he saw I was struggling to sit upright, he pushed back a little, creating a space between us so I wouldn't feel overwhelmed.

"Why are you---" I began, then cut off my speech with a groan that sounded like stone being grated against the tarmac. I felt like my body had been crushed under a truck, my damp gown also adding to my uneasiness.

"What happened Olayinka? You don't know what I went through seeing you lying unconscious, all pale and wet in the cold sand." Jayden's hands gripped the steering wheel tight. As if he wanted to hit something. And I wanted him to, but preferably someone.

We were in his car which was parked in front of my house. The porch light shone directly on his face and his expression was that of care, fury, regret and something else I didn't want to understand. I looked away.

"Let's just say I escaped death." I shrugged, closing my arms around me in the bid to keep away the cold. Yes, I had escaped from drowning, but it seemed that it would be the cold that did kill me.

Jayden took notice of my shivering body and led me out of his car and up into my room. When we passed my parent's room, I could hear a soft snore meaning Dad was sound asleep. Thank God I hadn't called him earlier, he really needed that sleep.

Jayden switched on my room light, then made me sit on my bed. Going inside my bathroom, he fixed a hot bath for me.

Still sitting down, I stared fixed at my grubby hands, harrowing thoughts of what I had passed through an hour ago galloping through my mind. The urge to cry swamped me but I wasn't going to cry. No. Crying was for the weak, not the brave and I had long since decided I was no coward. But I needed to talk about something, anything to get Katharina, Kian and everyone in the party out of my head.

"So how are your applications going?" I called to Jayden, trying to start a conversation that wouldn't be about me.

"Good but not what we need to be talking about right now, you know that. Come take your bath." When he saw I wasn't forthcoming he pushed me in, closing the door.

I didn't want to bathe right now. In fact, I didn't want to bathe ever. The thought of submerging myself inside the water was revolting and needless to say, scary. Yes, I knew I wasn't going to drown but still.

"Jayden," I said in a tiny voice. He didn't respond so I called out again, louder this time.

"Yes Olayinka what is it? I'm bringing out clothes that'll keep you warm." I could hear him rummaging in my wardrobe.

"Nothing," I replied, praying to God to give me strength. I stripped naked then placed my feet inside. Conquering my wild urge to flee, I immersed myself into the hot water and let the soothing swirls calm me.

Closing my eyes and refusing to think about those sad events that happened to occur an hour ago, I washed myself until my toes and fingers pruned, wrinkling. I didn't rush my bath despite Jayden being just a few feet away from me and I wasn't afraid of him barging in because I knew he wouldn't do that.

Afterwards, I clothed myself in the heaviest and warmest dress Jayden could find, brushed my teeth and waited for him as he prepared a fast meal for me.

Placing the steaming hot pasta in my hands, he scooted next to me and sat on the bed. "Eat."

I had no appetite nor willpower to eat but I did just that, Jayden coaxing me all the way through.

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