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<If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun -Katharine Hepburn>


I WAS wrong.

On a roll, Kian dazzled me with his good guy thingy. It began with him texting me that night just as he said he would in the library.

After I had finished brushing my teeth and dressing up in one of Dad's old shirts that he wasn't wearing anymore, I laid down on the bed with Theo, my ever constant partner.

I plugged in my earpiece and was about to listen to Take Me Away by Nasty C.

Music, especially slow songs lured me to sleep quickly so my bedtime routine was listening to slow music and staring at my starry ceiling, all the while waiting for sleep to take me away. No pun intended.

Sleep was my haven. In that dreamy world of nothingness, I could envision a normal life without trouble. No bullies, no taunts, no name calling, everything I passed through at school didn't exist in my fantasy world. It was all merrily merry for me there.

On the verge of entering my dream world, my phone pinged.

What now?

Just when I was about to catch a glimpse of a handsome guy that I had conjured in my mind. Yeah, if I didn't get a chance of ogling at a boy in real life then I could in my dreams. You have the right to sue me.

Reaching for my phone, I tapped the screen.

It was a message from that same unknown number and if I guessed right it wasn't unknown anymore, but I had to be sure. Maybe he was pranking me again, this wasn't the first time.

Me: Hey, is this Kian?

Unknown Number: Yup. I told you that I'll text you, remember?

You guessed right, it was Kian. He sure kept his word. What was I supposed to reply now? I thought he had been joking back then at the library but it turned out it wasn't so.

Me: Uhmm, yeah. How did you get my number?

Unknown number: No how are you or how're you doing? :-(

I rolled my eyes.

Me: Just talk. I need to know.

Wait, when did I get this bold?

Olay, you're talking to mean Kian remember? I reprimanded myself.

Unknown number: Since you're so curious, I snagged it off my mother's files. I'm privileged, you know. (~<~)

Privileged my ass. Since Kian's mother was the principal he could do anything he wanted so this didn't come as any surprise.

Me: Okay.

Unknown number: So I'll ask since you don't want to. How are you? I hope you're fine. I'm pretty bored rn. What about you? ; )

I stared at my phone unblinking. Why all these pleasantries? And he's asking about how I was feeling? I was the one who ought to ask him that, because from my perception, he wasn't feeling fine. The Kian I knew never texted me.


Unknown number: Helloo. . . you there? :(

He said he was feeling bored so this might be a way to relieve himself of boredom and the best way he thought of doing that was disturbing my sleep. I wasn't in the mood of dealing with his pranks so I replied.

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