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<When I was a child I was afraid of ghosts. When I grew up, I realized people are more scary>


WHICH DAY do you hate the most? Mine's Monday.

Mondays were my worst days. It was a prelude of the day that led to another stressful week at school where I got to be tormented as usual. Another unfortunate thing about Mondays was that it was sports day. And I hated sports. Participating in sports were not just my kind of thing. In any way. At all. Period.

It was drizzling and the sidewalks were beginning to have tiny puddles of muddy water situated in cracks here and there. If not for the fact it was raining very lightly, I would have been soaked and probably shivering to death.

Such a great start to a new day, I thought gloomily, wishing I had brought an umbrella or a raincoat with me.

My shoes scruffed against the sidewalk. Ughh. On the bright side though, I thought not so gloomily this time around, we might not have sports time. Not with how wet the field will be.

Sighing loudly, I entered the school building and went straight to my locker to get the books that I would need for my first lesson. From the ringing of the bell it was 7:50 a.m already. Yeah, I know I came late today. Blame it on those nightmares that had been plaguing me all weekend.

My weekend had been pretty listless. After what had happened to me that night at the party, I had been lethargic, just drifting in and out. Having no energy or willpower to do anything worthwhile, I binge-read. Reading was therapeutic, leading me into faraway worlds where bad things didn't happen. It also made me forget certain unpleasant things. Like Friday night.

I stilled.

My eyes widened a fraction on seeing that the combination to my locker was broken. Weird. That locker had been good the last time I saw it. Hmmm. Something was amiss.

Opening the locker cautiously, I stepped back just in case. You never know with Penfield, honestly.


A bag containing decaying stuff fell on the floor, creating a big mess. A fetid smell rose upwards almost making me gag. I was right. Thank you Lord for making me trust my instincts. Imagine if that had fallen on me. Disgusting, I shuddered.

"Eww, check out how dirty her locker is," a blonde haired girl, that was passing whispered-or tried to because I overhead them-to her friend.

"I agree. Definitely trashy like her," her equally blonde friend whispered back. They walked further away giggling to each other. Stupid blonde people.

Looking pointedly at the locker I wondered who had pranked me this time around. It could be Noah, Josh or Katharina.

You forgot Kian, good mind chipped in. Yeah. And Kian too. That was if he had reverted back to his evil ways.

Which got me thinking about him right now. I needed to give him back his jacket the next time I saw him and I had to admit, the guy had tried. Rescuing me from that creepo and singing a song for me, which I still think is ridiculous by the way.

Denial, denial, bad mind taunted. Shhh!

Bad mind was right though because no matter how much I tried to deny it, my breath hitched on recalling that husky voice of his. He had a pleasant voice that made butterflies invade my stomach.

Olay, like seriously? His voice did something to you? I asked myself. Kian was casting a spell on me. It wasn't unheard of.

A piece of paper caught my eye, dragging me away from those betraying thoughts. It was taped to the side of my now dirty locker. I took the note off carefully so it wouldn't rip in the process and had a look.

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