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<Say my name, say my name, you're acting kind of shady and calling me baby, why the sudden change?- Destiny's Child>


THERE ARE many reactions most girls (especially those who have been eyeing the poor guy) display when asked out. The first jumps rather excitedly, happy that their Prince Charming finally asks them out and agrees gleefully. "Of course, I will." The second usually plays cool although their heart pounds furiously, nodding in a nonchalant way. "Sure, no problem." The third, particularly the shy ones, blushed very prettily at first, surprised they could be asked out and say, "Yes, if you're sure." And lastly, the fourth who pretends to think about it for sometime and in the process gives the boy a mini heart attack, but eventually says yes. And quite unfortunately for Kian, my reaction wasn't any of the above.

What I had done was to laugh, I mean if you were in my position, wouldn't you? It was absurd, ludicrous even that someone like him could ask someone like me out on a date.

I clutched my belly tight, my guffaws slowly trickling out as I glanced at Kian. He stood, his almost perfect face tightened and drawn. Hold on, was it hurt I just saw there? Whatever it was disappeared as soon as I spotted it.

"Are you done laughing?" he asked, running his hands through his shiny blonde hair---he'd refrained from highlighting the tips of his hair for sometime now--- and his lips, a grim line.

"Come on Kian, I know you're up to one of those pranks again." I arranged the notebooks I held, keeping them in a much more comfortable position that wasn't tiring and shifted my weight to my right leg.

"And nuh uh, I ain't falling for them," I continued, grinning at him and waiting for him to grin back and yell, "Gotcha!" Or maybe say, since he didn't win yet, "Okay okay, you've got me!" But he didn't do any of those. He just stood, his ocean blue eyes shining with a weird but strong emotion that I couldn't deduce.

"Are you serious?" I questioned, as the thought of him actually being so ping ponged up and down in my head. Oh my God! Oh my God. Oh my G--

"Yeah, I am," he replied shrugging, his broad shoulders shifting the jacket and embossed black skull t-shirt he had on.

This couldn't be happening, like what the frack? Okay, forget the fact that for the past eleven years, this guy has bullied and tormented me until he decided to be human. Also, forget the fact that he was so darn gorgeous and a nice guy despite being so cocky---my few weeks of being his friend testified to that. Now think about this, apart from those facts, why would he want to date me? And again, even if he hadn't bullied me, there was no way he could go so low as to want to date me? Not that I'm downgrading myself though, but we're worlds apart for goodness sake and to be frank, I don't really see him in that way. He's just a friend.

Liar, good mind whispered. Shut up!

I opened my mouth and closed it once more, at loss at what to say now. Suddenly I couldn't help but feel a little foolish at my earlier outburst of laughter.

If he was serious then I guess I would have to be truthful but I hadn't expected my words to come out this blunt, "No, I can't go out on a date with you."

Wow, Olay, just wow. Aren't you a nice little ice princess? bad mind taunted. Guess I fall into category 5. The girls who don't care about the guy's feelings and haven't been ogling the guy either.

But you've been somewhat eyeing him, right or right? bad mind whispered. No, jeez.

"Why?" His gaze was utterly fixed on me and I squirmed uneasily, looking at anything else apart from him, like the smoothly lawned carpet grass for one.

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