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<People keep telling me that life goes on, but to me that's the saddest part>


"HEY BLACK bitch!" the blonde haired devil called. I froze.

"Welcome to senior year, another year of you being bullied by yours truly. I hope you like it 'cos I sure like it like that." Kian Fields snapped his tan fingers and winked at me whilst grinning wickedly.

Brutal screamed his middle name.

The school's resident bad boy, Kian was not only popular, he was the "Golden Boy" and an all rounder, playing soccer and scoring good grades despite the number of times he spent on the field. Girls flocked after him hoping they'll be the one.

As if.

Kian was the ultimate player. He played girls, not at all caring whether they were heartbroken and yet, they still rushed after him.

So cliché.

I'll not blame them though. He screamed fuckboy and was one hot piece of the male specimen.

With his mussed hair that looked like he tumbled out of bed---I'm sure he deliberately messed it up to heighten the appeal---and ocean blue eyes which had a certain intensity to them, a pierced ear that glinted dangerously, his perfectly sculpted face and a jaw that could cut glass, Kian knew he was drop-dead gorgeous and made sure everyone did too.

I believe in inner beauty. If you're ugly on the inside then you're ugly on the outside no matter how beautiful or handsome you may look and Kian was one of those people. It was a shame really. All that beauty gone to waste.

Right from elementary school to middle school and high school, Kian had made my school years a disaster. A catastrophe.

His full time job was to constantly bully me because of the skin mother nature had gifted me. I didn't understand why and no amount of pleading ceased those trials I went through.

So I took it all. After all, there was nothing else to do but to let all those insults and taunts wash over me. The memory of acceptance wasn't in the confines of my head. It had never been.

My feet unfroze and I continued walking past them, almost making it until a hand grabbed my shoulder tightly.

Shock made me stand still.

"Hello?! Are you deaf or something? Can't you see we're talking to you huh? It seems your dark skin has made your brain go black. Dumbass bitch."

Same with Noah.

He was part of Kian's group, second commander-in-chief of the 'make Olayinka go mad' forces. Whenever girls got their stupid hearts smashed by Kian, they moved over to Noah. Really stupid.

And just like his partner, Noah enlisted in making my life very miserable. Pity.

Meet the kids who ran Penfield High School: Kian, Noah, Josh, Katharina, Aliyah, Maude and Ryan. Each of them ranked high on the school's list of Most Popular, their good looks and wealth ensuring they never left the spotlight.

The management, each made sure that things went their way, making up rules and regulations on a whim.

Girls aspired to be Katharina and if possible, be carried in Aliyah's and Maude's expensive shoes and bags while for the boys, it was vice versa. And like I said, everything howled pathetic in bright neon letters. I was pathetic too because I allowed myself to be bullied by a bunch of sadists. Sad.

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