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<Picture perfect you don't need no filter. Gorgeous make them drop dead, you're a killer. Shower you with all my attention, yeah these are my only intentions- 'Intentions' Justin Bieber, Quavo>


"YOU DON'T want to do what? Ehn, Olay?!" Mom repeated. She'd finally showed up and she perched a kimbo on the last of the stairs, surveying us, her arms placed on her waist.

"Good evening Ma'am," Kian said, not giving me a chance to reply. Frack!

Mom stepped down and maneuvered her way to stand beside me, all the while smiling brightly at Kian. "Good evening my boy." Hmm, when exactly did Kian become her boy?

The moment he became your date, my evil bad mind whispered.

She continued, "Please dear, don't bother calling me Ma'am, you can call me Sasha instead. How are you?"

He beamed back at her, slightly shaking his mussed blonde hair. "I'm fine, Ma'am and no I'll keep on calling you Ma'am."

I bit back a smile, the fact that Kian respected my Mom too much to call her by her given name was sweet of him.

Another reason to go out with him, bad mind piped up. Slink away.

Mom started badgering him with silly questions like how his parents were, whether he liked cooking--- this one had me wondering why she was asking--- and Kian, ever the obliging gentleman, patiently answered each of them.

Rolling my eyes at her antics, I crossed my arms and huffed. It seemed I had been forgotten by the two. And it also seemed I wouldn't ever get the chance to tell Kian I didn't want to go out anymore.

"Silly me, with all my questions, I've been keeping you guys waiting. Oh, do go along now and have some fun." Mom pushed me gently out of the doorway before I could say Jack Robinson.

"But I didn't get to say what I wanted to say, Mom," I whined, a frown etching itself between my arched brows. I had no choice but to do this right now.

"Oh please, you can tell him that when you're in the car and Kian dear, please be sure to bring her back before 11. And in a good condition too." She ignored my whining and gave Kian a serious look.

Nawa oh! There was no budging her and I had a feeling I would eventually be going out with Kian. Which wasn't what I wanted. Right? Infact, the pull to cancel the date wasn't strong anymore. I was lured and a little bit tempted to go out with this extremely hot guy.

Drat it! Well, Jayden, I thought in a resigned tone, I guess I could never really go through with it. Not after seeing how happy Mom appeared to be. Besides, the heart wants what it wants and it seemed it wanted to go out with Kian. And there was no stopping my heart.

"Sure thing Ma'am," he reassured Mom and even crossed his heart playfully. Mom laughed out, her glee ringing off loudly and I smiled along with her. It was this moment that I finally knew I wouldn't cancel the date anymore.

"Funny boy you've got there, Olay." She winked at me. Kian coughed, a mocking one and faced the other way, no doubt smirking in satisfaction. Ass.

"Mom. . ." I started, my cheek going all pinkish. She surely knew how to embarrass someone. Kian was not my boy. But the notion of him being mine sent my pulse ricocheting high.

She just wriggled her eyebrows in a suggestive manner and shooed us off but not before calling out, "Make sure to use a condom guys!" and closed the door with a loud bang.

Huh?! What the frack did I just hear now? I stopped in my tracks, taken aback. It was an understatement to say that my whole body turned a bright red in mortification and dismay. I knew Mom had a mischievous streak in her but I hadn't expected her to be that mischievous.

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