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<If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change>


"OKAY OLAYINKA what got into you? Why did you accept to be at the games this evening?" I asked my reflection in the mirror as I paced about my room, both hands folded behind me. With my disheveled hair, I probably looked like The Mad Hatter without the red hair and garish make-up on his face.

I stopped for a bit. What if I didn't show up? After all, I was just invited and not obligated to come. Besides, I really wasn't over the moon at seeing a couple of boys chase after a round object. Rather, I'd tuck myself snugly in bed and read a Mills & Boons novel.

No, I continued walking in circles, I had already given my word. Olayinka Jamila Kincade never ever chickened out on anything.

That's ironic Olay considering the fact that you're a chicken and a total coward who lets other cowards bully you, my mind said in a cynical tone. Oh shut up!

Gazing heavenward, I realized I had a problem. Since I stayed at home after school with nowhere to go, my parents were used to that, me not going anywhere. There was no way I was leaving this house without telling them. Maybe they'll decide against my going to watch the game and I'll have a reason not to attend. Yes! It was exactly what I wanted.

With that thought in mind, I marched to Mom and Dad's room hoping they'll not agree. That way, I'll tell Kian my parents hadn't permitted me.

I gently tapped the door. There was no response. Hearing weird sounds I knocked again. What was happening there?

"Who's that?" Dad asked in a gruff voice mixed with a touch of annoyance. Had I interrupted something?

I face palmed. "Your ghost," I replied sarcastically.

"Oh honey, ahh stop it. Can't you see that she's just at the door?" I strained my ears to hear what Mom whispered to Dad in a husky tone. What?! Were they doing the deed? Okay, I didn't want to stand at the door right now.

I heard some noises like they were scrambling out of bed. Dad opened the door smirking like a cat that ate the canary. His black hair was tousled and his honey brown eyes held a glint of humour while Mom, who stood beside him was looking anywhere else apart from me. Talk about awkward.

From the way the bed was in disarray and mom's clothes were askew you knew they had been up to something. With a secret knowing smile, I sat down on the bed and decided not to think of what had happened there a few moments ago.

Mom sat on the loveseat next to the door still flustered, Dad stood up.

Dad was a neurosurgeon. He worked around the clock so he wasn't home most of the day. This could be the only time he had with Mom and I had just interrupted their romantic moment. I suddenly felt bad.

"You've been studying us like some specimen in the lab for a long time dear. What's up?" Dad raised his brown hand to his neck probably wondering why I had decided to disrupt their sweet time.

"Okay. Uhm, a friend of mine invited me to a football game this evening at school. I couldn't go without your consent so I came here to ask for your permission. It's up to you guys whether I show up or not." I observed their faces as I talked. Surprise, astonishment and glee, oh no not glee, flitted rapidly on their faces.

Mom appeared pleased. "Finally! My baby girl's going out. I'm so glad. Tell me hun, is it a guy?" Mom simpered at me, a smirk on her face.

I groaned. Why all this boy questions? Ugh. "Yes, it's a guy. Are you happy?"

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