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We aren't just Freaks We are the Essence of Power.


Paige floated above water, the waves were solid under his feet as if the water itself was one being with him, his hair shimmer purple in the sunlight, his eyes were a dark violet storm as if reflecting the power he was controlling, atop his head was a crown made of clear water, it sparkled along with his hair, he was the true sight of a matriarch and king. "Your highness forgive us for our treachery but we must do this." A lone figure spoke as he appeared by the sandy beach along with hundred others, they were all armed and ready to fight him.

"I do not show mercy but to those who shall lay down their weapons and choose not to fight, I will be merciful." The siren replied as he looked out to the lone figure, none of them replied only snickers echoed among the large crowd. "You are not worthy to rule the banshees or the sirens, and we are here to prove it!" One yelled from the crowd making Paige chuckle as he moved his hand ever so gently over the water. "Heathen God: Calypso's Wrath." It was silence before the storm as the water began to ripple around slowly and clouds gathered in the sky as if a storm were brewing. "Bring down thine enemy, oh Heathen God." Paige mumbled as his form burst into a flash of purple lights.

In a flash purple lightning hit the ocean, it came as a barrage as it reached the land, multiple cyclones had gathered and weaved their way onto the masses, it was as if all the elements of the sea were releasing their wrath on the platoon, they couldn't fight back, they couldn't shield themselves as lightning hailed from the sky, water giants rose from the ocean and ripped through them. The one who had spoken first was standing on the water balancing with sound waves just as Paige appeared in front of him. "You led them to certain loss." Paige called out as he walked on water in a regal manner, he was gliding over it. "I-I didn't, how—." The boy muttered but his words never went far, Paige had begun to sing and his song summoned creatures that terrified the boy. "Behold my true strength." From the water dragons appeared, they seemed more alive even with their watery bodies, the matriarch of the sirens sang his song and the dragons attacked the boy in a furious salvo.

No longer was there an army of mystics, they all laid on the ground, others had fled from such terror because none of it seemed real. "You've won." A neo beast called out as he floated in the air, he wasn't large like the normal ones Paige had seen, rather he was more human only with large horns on his head. "I have." The matriarch replied as he stood on the water with a smile.


"We agreed not to hold back our true strength if we were to fight an army as large as this one." Theo asserted as he looked at the boy who used to bully him when they were little, Esteban scoffed looking at Theo, in his eyes, Theo would always be weak end of story. "Don't be so noble and wise Theo, Halwright will fall." The nobleman Esteban replied as he looked at the next king of the fae. "Not today." Theo replied as he looked at Esteban and his army,  he flicked his fingers, and a cocoon wrapped around him, a green energy pulse slithered from the ground and into him, no one saw it happen but when it did they all felt it.

"Fae Script: Memory Of Old: Moorewood Summoning." The fae was surrounded by four circles all made up of different runes, they had a green glow that pulsed as if they were a beating heart, Theo clenched his fists and made an X with them. "Release my children and let their vengeance be quenched." Theo announced as he broke the X, Esteban has readied himself for a fight along with the small army behind him but he didn't expect whatever was to happen, Theo had summoned every enemy he had faced and killed, their bodies were made of wood but no one could see it and each one of them had the power that made the small army want to turn back.

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